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"Guys oh my gosh, prom is in 2 days! I'm so excited!!!" Your best friend, Yuna squealed in excitement as she hops on her spot with so much enthusiasm. I mean who isn't excited over prom, it's your final year in high school so everyone is bound to make the most of it. 

"Jeez, calm down Yuna." Your other best friend, Mia chuckled seeing how girly her friend is.

"So any prom dates ladies? Or we can end up going to prom together? Single ladies!!" Yuna said as we all facepalmed at her dorky behavior. 

"Sorry Yuna, but I got a prom date already." Mia said as Yuna place her palms on her lips in shock. 

"Omo, don't tell me it's the fairy boy, Donghyun who asked you for prom??!!" Mia widened her eyes.

"Urm... ya..." Mia muttered in embarrassment as you and Yuna started teasing her for not spilling the tea sooner or later.

"So how about you Y/n? Anyone asked you out for prom yet?" Yuna asked as they were waiting for your answer.

"Well..." You muttered as your eyes glance towards a boy who was dozing off on his desk. He had his eyes shut but they have opened abruptly as if he sensed someone staring at him. Without a second wasted, you avert your gaze away from the class towards the scenery outside from the window. 

Yuna and Mia were still questioning you about your prom date but the truth was you had rejected a few guys who asked you to prom because you wanted to go with someone else. But unfortunately that someone else had not asked you out yet and you starting to lose hope for a prom date. You thought maybe he will just end up going with his bros instead of asking for a prom date.

Soon, the day of the school prom had arrived. Lucky for you, Yuna had borrowed you one of her sister's prom dresses for prom. But the moment you head downstairs, you saw your mother crying in the dining room along with your younger sister. 

"Mom? What's the matter?!" You asked in confusion as you saw their teary faces.

"Oh honey, your granny had passed away..." Your mother broke down as you were shocked at the sudden news. Your grandmother was everything to you and to hear her passed away really brings a pang to your heart. 

Your sister silently hugged you as you stood still on your spot. Words cannot be formed on how devastated this news had brought to you and your family. 

"We are going to visit your grandpa later so get everything you need for a one day trip and make sure to dress formally for your granny's funeral." Your father said but you just realized.

"W-when are we coming home, dad?" You asked with a stuttering voice.

"We'll leave as soon as possible after you and your sister are ready. We'll be back by late at night." You nodded at your father's words as you pace back towards your room. 

You have no choice but to follow your parents back to visit your grandparents, but you'll have to miss the school prom. You sighed as you got out your phone to text Yuna.

Yuna... I'm so sorry but something urgent came up. I don't think I'll make it to prom...

WHAT?!! SIS!! It's literally our last year seeing each other!! You can't ditch us!

I'm sorry... my granny passed away recently so I'm heading back to visit my grandfather. I'll be back by tonight.   

Oh... I'm sorry for your lost Y/n. I didn't know... I hope you make it back to your grandpa's there safely. Once you're back, we're going shopping the next day and you had better get ready before Mia and I come to get you princess butt. :P

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