☁️Saeran X Reader☁️

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Requested by Ciymbiline

So this is where You, Saeran and your kid are at the park and The Reader tells Saeran they're pregnant!

CN = Childs name

You, Saeran and CN were all at the park with each other enjoying the sunlight and eating ice cream. You watched your Daugher/Son play on the playground with other kids. You smiled at them all chasing each other and playing tag. Saeran came by you and sat next to you and put his arm around your shoulder. You rested your head on his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Babe I don't want to be rude but you've been acting moody lately." 'Oh god please don't tell me he found the pregnancy test in the trash' you thought to yourself. "Oh well I guess I have really bad moods swings at moments."

"Babe I foun-"
CN walked over to us and shows us their bloody knee since they fell. You grabbed CN hand and walked over to the bathroom and washed it up with some water and got out a band aid from your purse.

"There you go all better"

"Thank you MaMa!" CN ran off to play with the kids and that almost brought tears to your eyes to see CN having a good time with the other children. You walked back to Saeran and sat down.

"What you were you saying before Saeran?"
"YN, I found your pregnancy test in the trash and-" you cut off saying by saying, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I just thought you would get mad. Saeran pulled you into a hug and rubbed your tummy. "I would never be mad! I'm excited to have another kid with you."

CN walked over and Saeran said, "Guess what CN, you're going to be a big sister!"

CN face was in shock and then I pulled her onto my lap and we both gave her lots and lots of kisses.

9 months later

"Mr.Choi and Mrs.Choi it seems that you guys have twins." You looked at Saeran and teared up, you held both of them and one of them touched your face with their small hands. You handed them both to Saeran and he teared up as well.

'Is this what it was like when my mom and dad had me and saeyoung'

I hope you guys liked this chapter and Sorry that it's short

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