( xix.) maybe it should stay that way

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( xix.) maybe it should stay that way
( real life )

the night had just begun, a cold breeze in the air, and a huge room full of teens, not ready for what was gonna happen later this night.
bright colored balloons and streamers lined the room, neon lights going everywhere around the dark room. famous teens and adults surrounding tables and the dance floor.

chosen walked into the laser tag place, smiling to himself, tightly gripping the gift in his hand. he looked across the crowd, in hopes to find the birthday boy and give him the gift, " JERMEYYYYY ! "

the short brunette boy turned his back, gesturing to the person, he had been talking to prior, that he had to go " CHOSEN ! BUDDY ! YOU MADE IT ! " jermey shouted over the blaring music as he approached the taller boy.

" this party is so loud, and..."

" loud? " jermey asked laughing a bit.

" yeah, " chosen chuckled, looking down at the gift once again, " OH! i got you something bud! " chosen tried to call over the loud music.

the boy gave chosen a grin that went ear to ear, " we have a gift table, it's over there. " jermey said pointing in the direction of a small gift table.

chosen nodded, "alright jer, i'll be back! "

" WHAT? " jermey tried to yell over the ear-blasting music.



" NO , ILL BE BACK ! "


chosen sighed, shrugging it off and walking off to the gift table. passing by directors, family, and cast members of jermey, chosen gave most of them a welcoming and warm smile as he made his way to the table. finally getting to
the table, he placed his gift on the table. he turned to walk back to his friend, until the boy bumped into a certain redhead.

" z! " chosen said, now smiling like an idiot.

" chosen! " zea shouted, placing his gift down, then standing on her tippy goes to give chosen a hug.

" how have you been? " he asked the girl, taking notice of how pretty the young girl looked in her knee length red dress, the way her red hair fell on her shoulders that brought out her shimmering blue eyes.

" i've been good! i've been spending the last few days with my really good friends!" she said smiling, " and..."

the girl was trailed off, as someone came behind her.

" hey beautiful. "

chosen hearts immediately dropped as those words left wyatt's mouth.

" wyatt! " the redhead smiled as he put his arm around her, " i was looking for you, but then i started talking to chosen." she started explained to him.

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