( xxxvii.) destined soulmate

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( xxxvii.) destined soulmate
( real life )

the heavy hearted girl sunk into her bed , the fact of knowing this was her fault, devastated her to a new level. she was the one to blame, after all he was driving to HER concert. she felt depressed and sad, also not to forget alone.

chosen jacobs had never , ever , seen zea this upset, maybe once he did. the night when both their hearts had broken. he truly couldn't imagine was zea was feeling right now. but all he could imagine was that she needed someone by her side to be there for her.

" chosen. " she whispers softly, a salt filled tear falling from her ocean eyes, down her rosey cheeks .

looking over his shoulder, he eyes the girl, she had been lying on her side, on the left side of the pink comforter.

" yeah z? "

the girl took a staggered breathe as she said, " do you think it's my fault? " tears filling her eyes , now making her bison blurry.

the words he heard leave the girls mouth, quickly caused his face to drop. chosen walked over to the side of the girl, now sitting in front on her while she lied down. taking a deep breath while he rubbed her arm, " none of this, is your fault. " he spoke.

another tear fell from the girls eye, " but if he hadn't been in a rush to my concert , he wouldn't have hit that tru—"

" he didn't hit the truck , the truck driver was reckless and hit him. " he cut her off, " you did nothing wrong z. "

the girl looked up at him, her eyes locking with his, feeling the connection. zea sat up from the position , now sitting next to chosen. she pulled her knees to her chest, eyeing the boy next to her. who had now been wandering around , looking around her room. silence for the next serval minutes built up suspense for the two , as to who was going to say what next.

chosens finger dragged along the wall , the wall had hand prints. seeming like almost 15 hands, each bigger than the last. below the fifteen , stood one small baby sized hand, all alone. a smile grew along the boys face, " you do these yourself? " he asked.

her head jolted to the side,
" oh, " she paused looking along the line, " no , i actually uh, " pausing once more, she walked over to him, her finger tracing along the lines of the fingers, " my mom wanted violet and to do this. "

the boy watched her digits dance along the fingertips, " you only have 15."

" i haven't been here in a minute , ever since my dad moved out. i live here with my aunts when i'm not with my dad. " she explained, " i come back once a year around my birthday to make my handprint. this year it was gonna be after the concert. but not like this. " she said, her eyes now staring at the floor.

wishing to lighten the mood, chosen let out a soft chuckle, leading his hands to the girls chin. rasing it up and pointing it toward him, " well , let's finish handprint number 16. " he grinned.

scrambling to place the bucket of paint down, chosen rushed up the stairs behind the slow paced zea, " can you literally walk ANY slower? " he joked, " this bucket is way heavier than it looks! "

looking back at the boy , from the top of the stairs , she let out a giggle, " this was YOUR idea. " she reminded him.

chosen gave the girl an eye roll, walking up the rest of the stairs, trying his best to not spill the paint. once reaching the top, he took a deep breathe before carrying the bucket to the room. he walked into the room to see zea laying on the floor near the handprints once more. he stood at the doorway silently admiring the girl he had idolized for a year now.

" do you think he's going to be okay? " was the sentence that broke the silence.

chosen brought the bucket to the girl, placing it on the floor before sitting down next to her, placing his arm on her right shoulder, " he's gonna be just find zea , the doctor said he should regain his memories soon, and there is no major blood loss , just a minor head injury. " he tried his best to explain to her.

nodding , zea whipped the last tear she would shed that might away from her soft rosey cheeks,
" thanks chosen. "

" anytime z, i'll always be here for you. always. " chosen whispered, he said placing his hand on top of hers.

the girls cheeks flustered a dark red before she pulled her hand away, " let's start? " she asked nervously.

" sure, sure. " he said simply,
" uh , do you just , dip your hand in ? "

zea ignored the boys question as she lightly put her hand into the bucket of teal paint, before placing her hand print next to the smaller one to her left. smiling softly, she let out a breath of air before turning to her side, looking at chosen, " you should do it too. " she said, " next to violets. "

in the moment the boy had felt honored , this was a tradition only her and her sister HAD did.

" are you sure , i don't wanna intrude. " watching the girl give her a nod, he smiled softly, feeling his cheeks heat up as he placed his hand in the bucket of paint, placing his handprint next to the small baby hand, that was under zeas ( now )  sixteen handmarks.

the two smiled from ear to ear , waiting the paint dry. they simply sat in place , again , unsure of what to say next.

chosen looked over at the girl, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, a smear of paint now sitting along the side of her cheek. he moved over to the girl without saying a word, startling her as he placed his thumb on her  cheek, wiping away the paint.

the two now stood there, still in utter silence as they stared into each other eyes once again. zea watched as chosens eyes danced around her face, looking at every possible aspect of it. this was indeed true, chosen eyes were looking along the bridges and bumps of zeas face. taking notice of the freckles he adored on her so much. he swore that he could make constellations within the small patch of them that stood place on the bridge of her nose.

without words spoken or a breath taken, the two were kissing once again. the second kiss that they shared that day, and their third kiss they've shared in total. zea could feel the butterflies in her stomach disappear when she kissed chosen, feeling as light as air, like chosen was there to protect her , always to be there for her. her knight in shining armor. sure the girl still hadn't been in the best mental state , but she felt better in a way , like her problems washed away. chosen on the understand was over the moon , when he kissed zea all his troubles in life tended to disappear into thin air. this was how the boy would know, she was indeed , the only girl for him , his destined soulmate, the true love of his life.

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