A Date?

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I headed to my room and looked inside my drawer. There had to be a reason Maegan messaged me first. Maybe a possible danger?

Kyle's gang! What if they came back? Waiting for the last day of school to strike again... I should've known!

I took my knife out and flipped it open. A while ago, I had gotten a new butterfly knife that replaced my Switchblade as my daily knife. It was a lot better quality than the last one, and it even had a pocket clip. I looked at it and smiled.

If I were to use it on Kyle, his blood would be the first to touch the knife. To think, the first time I'd be using my new knife... and it'd be on Kyle! How delightful!

I closed the knife and put it in my pocket. I took a dagger out of the drawer and took a look at it. The dagger was also somewhat new.

It was a sharp dagger with a nice point. It looked really nice, and it had a handle that looked like a horse head made of bronze. There was one problem with it though.

The handle was made of plastic. A hard plastic, sure, but still plastic.

Wait... this isn't a time to be observing my knives! I gotta help Maegan!

I grabbed my keys and took the dagger with me as I headed to the car. Even with the plastic handle, I was sure it could withstand a couple of blows. I drove straight to Maegan's house. She was waiting for me outside. She got into the car and greeted me.

"Hey Danny!" She said as she was putting on her seat belt. she seemed to notice the dagger in the middle of the seats. "You brought a knife?"

"Two. So where are we going?"

"Well, I was hoping we could both decide on that."

Decide? She doesn't need to be anywhere? No scheduled fight or anything?

Dammit Danny! You overreacted! Again!

"Oh uh, yes of course."

I put the dagger under the seat and drove around while we thought about where we wanted to go. After a while we both decided on Olive Garden, so I drove us there. On the way, Maegan asked about why I took a while to get to her house since I lived down the street. I replied by telling her about how I was at Keith's apartment for a while.

After a while, we got to the Olive Garden. We went inside and were seated at a table for two. After ordering our drinks, we got to talking.

"So how have you been, Maegan?"

"I've been alright. How about you? I've barely seen you since we hung out at Keith's house. You don't go on the bus anymore?"

I use to go home on the bus and walk Maegan home every day after school.

"Well, Keith's been taking me home. Actually he's been doing it for a while. You didn't notice that I was gone?"

"Yeah I did, but I didn't want to make such a big deal about it. I know how nervous you can get."

I giggled. "You know me too well, Maegan. You miss me or what?"

"Ah well, it was nice to receive a compliment everyday before I'd get home."

The waiter soon came back with our drinks. I ordered a lemonade and Maegan ordered sweet tea. We both thanked the waiter before he asked us what we wanted to eat. We hadn't decided yet, so he left and gave us some more time.

We picked the food we wanted to order and got back to talking.

"So you still talk to Robbie," I asked.

"Yeah, all the time. He's a cool guy."

"Yeah he is. I talk to him sometimes too, but not very often."

"Ah I see. Oh, and how's Monika? I haven't heard from you two in a while."

That's when I realized that I hadn't told Maegan about what happened to Monika. I probably would have if I still walked her home from school.

"Well, she's uh... she's not here anymore."

Her smile suddenly changed into a look of concern.

"What happened?"

"Well, you know how she came out of the computer, right? I guess that had an effect on her. A couple of days before she disappeared, she would, I guess, glitch? And she stopped being able to feel. Her clothes phased through her and her school uniform was underneath. While she was lying in bed, her neck started to have a harsh pain. She said it was like something was strangling her, but I couldn't see anything. It was like there was nothing there. Then she temporarily died, and came back a couple of hours later. Her body started fading away and she was sucked back into the computer. She tried coming back out of it, but it was too difficult and she got taken back into it again. Oh, and before all that, there was a night where she had a real harsh chest pain. She temporarily died after that too. After that night, she started to slowly gray out. Her skin became pale and her eyes went from green to gray."

Maegan looked surprised. I understood her reaction, it was a pretty weird way for her to go out.

"I'm sorry about that," she said. "You remember it all?"

"Yeah. But It's fine really, it happened in February, so it was a pretty long time ago. She's still on my computer though. We can somewhat communicate through it."

"Well at least you can still talk to her."


There was a bit of silence before the waiter came back. We ordered our food and the waiter wrote it down on a little notebook. Afterwards, he took our menus and left.

"You know, it's not common for you to message me first. Any particular reason why you did?"

"Well it had been a while since I had seen you, and I thought it'd be nice to hang out."

"Aww that's nice. Well I'm glad you texted me, I didn't really have much to do. Odin fell asleep and Keith and I were on our phones."

"Do you hang out with them a lot?"

"Keith, yes. Odin, not as much. We used to hang out all the time. We've been friends for about six years. But ever since we entered high school, he's been pretty busy. He's a popular guy though, so I'd expect that. Keith and I have only known each other for about a year, but we've grown to be good friends."

"Oh well that's cool."

"Yeah. What about you? How are your friends?"

"They're good. I know Richard's going out of town for about a month. And well, me and Jewel haven't really talked much."

"Why is that?"

"Eh, let's not talk about that. You have any plans for the summer?"

"Not really, what about you?"

"Well I might go out of town, but that'll only be for like, two days."

"Where are you going?"

"I think my parents are gonna get me a car. You wanna see?" She took out her phone and showed me a picture of a really nice Jeep.

"Oh my god! I love wranglers!"

"Yeah, they're awesome. We were looking at them online, but the only good deals were out of town."

"Well most of them are. But hey! You're getting a Jeep!"


The waiter soon came with our food. It was surprisingly quick, especially considering how much people were there at the moment.

After we ate, I took Maegan home.

"It was nice seeing you again, Danny."

"It was nice seeing you too, Maegan. Let's do this again sometime."

"Definitely. Bye Danny."

"Bye, Maegan."

She went back inside and I drove back to Keith's house. It was barely seven, so hopefully Odin would be awake so we could all hang out some more.

Or actually, maybe not. I actually felt pretty tired, so maybe I'd better just take a nap instead. We'll see what happens.

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