Just Me

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I woke up in the drivers seat of my car. I looked around and saw...

Nothing. No houses, no people. It was just my car and the open road ahead of me. It was like the rest of the world was filled with a black void.

I started my car and started driving in the only direction I could go. Forward.

A bit of red started to show up in the "sky" as I drove. It soon formed words.

 It soon formed words

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Of course.

No doubting that

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No doubting that.

That's just who I am

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That's just who I am.

I soon felt the road taking a downwards incline. The car started to move faster and the road started to become less visible. All I could see now was the interior of my car. Nothing outside besides a black void.

The car was no longer in my control. It just kept going. Faster and faster into the endless black.

It soon made a sudden halt. The car unlocked and the drivers door automatically opened for me. I got out and just started walking.

I soon started to see lights. They were shining above people. People I knew.

Kyle stood in front. He stared at me in fear as I approached. I suddenly felt a knife in my hand, ready to use.

Once I approached Kyle, he just covered his face while the word "please" silently slipped out of his mouth.

I twirled my knife into a reverse grip and stabbed it right into his neck. He grabbed at the knife and tried to pull it out before he suddenly stopped moving. He then disappeared into the nonexistent wind, leaving only the blood on my knife as a trace.

Who stood after him was Brandon. He reacted very similarly to Kyle. Face full of fear with eyes full tears. I approached him and tackled him, stabbing his face multiple times before he suddenly disappeared.

Who stood behind him was... Maegan. Instead of showing fear however, she gave me a smile and opened her arms for a hug. As soon as I approached her, I hit her with the back of my knife and pushed her to the ground, leaving me free to walk past.

Next after her came Jared. Instead of a look of fear, he had a look of anger. I felt my knife being forcefully pulled away from me. It flew into Jared's hand, and he accepted it without any hesitation. He smiled with satisfaction as he got ready to attack.

I suddenly felt something else form in my hand. The Desert Eagle. Jared suddenly charged at me, leaving me with seconds to react. I quickly drew the large pistol and pulled the trigger, causing Jared to stop in his tracks.

He fell to the ground, giving me a chance to shoot him some more. I shot him a couple more times before he disappeared, along with the knife that was taken from me.

After him came Cain. He had an arrogant smile on his face. It was a good representation of the kind of person he was. A pathetic prick.

I felt the Desert Eagle fall out my hand. Instead, an axe formed at my feet, ready to picked up and be used.

I picked up the axe and slowly approached Cain. His smile turned into that of fear, leaving me with a smile of my own.

I pushed him to the ground, leaving his whole body vulnerable. I went ahead and brought the axe down on his head like I was chopping wood.

If you know how to chop wood, then you'll probably have an idea on how hard the axe went through his head.

His head was pretty much split in two, leaving his neck as the piece holding them together. His body soon disappeared, allowing me to continue through.

Next came Odin. The axe left my hands, being replace by brass knuckles. It looked as though Odin was being pressed against an invisible wall behind him, and his hands were being held away from him by an invisible force.

He struggled to bring his hands to himself, but to avail. I approached him with the brass knuckles in hand. The closer I got, the more he struggled to free himself.

I got into a fighting stance and gave him some quick punches in the chest. He lost his breath with the first and rest just added to his pain. After a couple more, he coughed up blood, giving me a sense of joy.

I went ahead and punched his face, breaking his nose and some of his teeth before giving him a direct right hook. That seemed to take him out.

His body fell to the floor before disappearing. I was able to continue through, as if the invisible wall was no longer there.

What came after him was a door. The door had a black square on it that read,

 The door had a black square on it that read,

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I just chuckled to myself. My brass knuckles disappeared from my hands, leaving nothing else behind. I went ahead and put my hand on the door knob. Once I opened the door, I saw a familiar face.


Right before I could react, he gave me a quick slash.

I suddenly jerked up from my bed.

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