Chapter 5

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"Ah-ro, we're going to head home. We'll meet again tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll see you later!"

The two girls waved goodbye to their friend and headed home.

~(Time Skip)~

Walking through the gates, the girls made a beeline through their front entrance to the back garden.

Their home was rather large like any other noble's; just a little bigger. And unlike a regular noble's home it was empty of servant life.

It was just the girls that lived in it. It was also very tidy in most parts.

Ever since the death of their father, Yeonsu, most of the house had been left untouched. The liveliest rooms in the house were the girls' own rooms and the kitchen.

They made their way farther inside. Now, it seemed more like Cheonsa was leading the way, with a rushed pace and determined look.

'Great, she's upset, ' Kkum thought as she took off her mask and threw it to the side.

Finally, reaching the garden Kkum took a seat on the side. She watched as her sister walked up to the big scarred tree to their left hand side.

On the way, Cheonsa grabbed one of the bamboo swords that they used for training. Standing in front of the tree she took off her mask, tossing it to the side.

Taking in a deep breath, she got into stance with her sword in front of her. Then, without warning she let out what sounded like a war cry and begun continuously hitting the tree, creating more marks on its bark.

'Poor tree, ' Kkum thought. The tree has always been there, helping to get rid of Cheonsa's stress all through the years.

"What happened now?"

Looking behind her, Kkum found the Queen's Commandant. Besides Yeonsu, he was the one who took care of the girls. When they were younger they called him 'Umjigineun Dongsang' (Moving Statue) because of how expressionless he was most of the time.

"It could be the fact that someone brought up her undesired engagement to Sooho, " Kkum told him, "I'm only guessing of course, but it usually is the cause of that tree's pain."

The Commandant just sighed and walked over to where the eldest child was, standing a little ways off.


She didn't answer.


She stopped, catching her breath and finally turned around.

"Yes? What is it?"

Normally, when she said that it was in a formal manor but now it sounded more sarcastic and irritated.

Knowing the reason behind her attitude the Commandant just sighed and tried speaking again.

"Listen, I know you don't like being engaged-"

"Then why am I?! To him?!"

"He is one of the most noblest sons in the Kingdom."

"He is the most self-evolved, inconsiderate, childish "noble" son in the Kingdom. He's engaged! To me! AND HE KNOWS IT!! Yet, he chooses to flirt with all the girls he comes across! Sigh... This marriage could never work... "

Finishing off with that last statement Cheonsa made her way over to sit next to Kkum. Commandant followed not too far, coming to a stop in front of both of them.

"Look, I'm sorry that you're upset. Both of you. I was thinking about what's best for you, " he said, "and I still think I made the correct decision when I offered those two your hands in marriage. It will get better though. If you want things to change then change them; in your relationships not the engagement."

Commandant looked at them for any kind of reaction but received none. They both just stared back at him with unreadable expressions. He obviously knew they were upset with him. He was the one who "sold out their freedom" (as he's been told) before they even returned from their travels.

"I must go now."

He bowed his head and walked passed. Before walking inside he heard a faint voice say "Stupid Statue" but he ignored it and walked through the house, to his horse.

"Let's get ready for bed. It's getting late."

Cheonsa stood up and went inside. At first Kkum just watched her, thinking over what they were just told.

'I hope Dongsang really did make the right decision.'

With one last look around the garden, Kkum stood up and entered the house.

A/N: Sorry for the late update and such a short chapter! There's just been a bunch of stuff going on lately with grads and such.

We are working on the next chapter at the moment. Please, be patient with us. And thank you so much for reading our book!

Thank you, Lovelies~

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