Chapter 3

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I can't stop thinking about that girl that I ran into yesterday. Mandi. I am on my way to the cafe where I saw her in hopes to see her again. Tonight is their open mic night. I get there and walk in. My ears are filled with an amazing voice.

You cut me open

And it's draining all of me

Oh they find it hard to believe

I'll be wearing these scars for everyone to see

I don't care what they say

I'm in love with you

They try to pull me away

But they don't know the truth

My heart's crippled by the vain I keep on closing

Oh you cut me open and I.......

You cut me open

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love.

I see Mandi exiting the stage. Wow, she's really talented. She walks right past me out the door not even noticing that I'm here. I walk out behind her and see her sitting on the small bench in front of the cafe, crying. "Mandi right?" I ask and she nods. "May I sit?" I ask and she nods again. I sit down and say, "You have an amazing voice." She sniffles and says, "Thank you." Her voice is shaky and I can tell that she is crying. "I know that we don't know each other but do you mind me asking what's wrong? Or if you're okay?" I ask and she says, "No I don't mind." She says as she finally looks up at me. I didn't realize how beautiful she is until now. The slight redness in her eyes bringing out the light brown parts of her dark eyes. The way her long straight hair falls down her back. "Ok, well what is bothering you so much?" I ask and she says, "Well, I don't know if you heard. I mean probably not because you are a busy guy, but about 2 months ago there was a car accident. The driver was driving under the influence with three girls in the car. Well I was one of those girls, my sister Maci was another and my dad was the driver. My sister, Megan, was killed on impact. If I had just fought harder she would still be alive. My dad was injured but he is in prison for vehicular manslaughter. I know this might sound wrong but some days I wish my dad didn't survive." The tears flow freely from her eyes and I am tempted to comfort her but I don't want to push it. "Anyway, that song I sang, Bleeding Love was one of Megan's favorite songs that I sang. Other than When I Look at You by Miley Cyrus, but I couldn't sing that, at least not yet. It was playing in the car the night of the accident. Tonight was actually the first time I've sang since the accident." She finishes and I say, "Wow, I'm so sorry Mandi. I know that losing someone is hard but it sounds like there may be more as to why you are so upset." I say and she replies, "Yea there is. I feel guilty or I guess at fault for her death. We were fighting over the front seat. I ended up letting her have it since I always got it. The truck that hit us hit the front of the car on the passenger's side and I was in the back on the drivers side. If I would have just been more stubborn like I usually am then she could still be here." My heart breaks at the fact that she blames herself. "You shouldn't blame yourself. There was no way of knowing that a truck was going to hit the car in that spot. You can't live with this guilt when really there is nothing you could have done. You had no idea what the events of that night were going to be." I say trying to be kind of subtle I don't want to upset her any further. "I guess you're right. I couldn't have known and to be honest she probably would have won that seat even if I fought harder." She says as she lets out a small laugh at the end. I let out a small chuckle as well. "I know that I'm basically a stranger, but here's my number. I'm always here if you need to talk. Just call." I say and she says, "Thank you Harry. It was nice to talk to you." I give her a small smile and she returns it before we walk back inside.


It was honestly really nice to talk to someone. Harry seems like a really nice guy. I mean who just comes up to someone and makes sure they're okay, like he did. It just makes me want to know more about him. I get my stuff and get ready to leave. I see Harry on my way out and I walk up to him. "Thanks again Harry, I'll definitely use that number." I say and smile. "Yea no problem." He says before returning the smile. I then walk out the door and go home. I don't know why I can't stop smiling. I get home and walk in the door. "Hey." Maci says and I say, "Hey." Jessie walks in and says, "How did open mic night go? I would have been there but I had work." "It's okay I understand. It went pretty good except that I lost it when the song was over and ran off stage. But then it got better. Harry actually followed me outside and we talked." I say and they both gasp, "You had an actual conversation with Harry?" Jessie asks and I say "Yes I did. He said I had a good voice and he asked what was wrong because I was crying. I probably made a fool out of myself but I told him about Megan. He's the first person that I've told about that. He gave me his numb-" "Wait you have Harry Styles' phone number?" Maci asks cutting me off and I say, "Yes, well anyway he told me that he was there to talk anytime." "Oh my gosh, I can't believe he gave you his number. He totally likes you." Jessie says and I say, "No he doesn't, how could he. I met him yesterday." I actually laugh a little bit. "Okay that's true but I think he likes you. And I think you might like him too." Jessie says and I say, "Whatever." 

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