Chapter 6

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January 21, 2016


The first few days back at school weren't too bad. I'm graduating in May and I'm very excited I need to look for a job. For some reason I've been really nervous all day. Maybe it's because I'm singing a One Direction song and one of the members of the band might be here. The chances of him being here are really high since he almost comes in here everyday and he knows that I'm singing tonight. Also Jessie and Maci are here tonight. It's time for me to sing. I do the same as last week and plug my phone in. The music starts and I start singing.

If I could fly

I'd be coming right back home to you

I think I might

Give up everything just ask me to

Pay attention, I hope that you listen

'Cause I let my guard down

Right now, I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only

I'll show you my heart

For when you're lonely

And forget who you are

I'm missing half of me

When we're apart

Now you know me

For your eyes only

For your eyes only


I walk into Cecilia's hoping I didn't miss Mandi singing. I hear the very familiar lyrics to a song I played a big part in writing.

Right now, I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only

I'll show you my heart

For when you're lonely

And forget who you are

I'm missing half of me

When we're apart

Now you know me

For your eyes only

For your eyes only

I think I like her singing this better than our version. I look around and see Jessie and Maci. I walk over to them and say, "Hey." "Hey." They say in unison glancing at me and then back at Mandi. I look at Mandi too. She is breathtaking. "I think I like her version of the song better than ours." I say chuckling and they say, "Really? I don't know if anyone could beat you guys, but she is pretty close." Jessie says and I say, "Well thank you." The song ends and everyone starts clapping. Mandi gets off stage and walks over to us. "Hey guys." She says smiling and I can't help but to smile too. "Hey. You did so good." Maci says hugging her. "Thanks. I honestly need to thank both of you. I wouldn't have done this if it weren't for you. You were right, every time I sing I feel like Megan is still here." She says tears starting to form in her eyes. I feel just want to hug her and tell her that it will be okay. "Of course, Mandi. Now stop crying, we should celebrate." Jessie says and Mandi says. "Yea sure. You guys can go I'll meet you at Bunny's." They leave and Mandi says, "Hey." "Hi, you did so good. I love your version of that song." I say and she says, "Thank you. Would you like to join us at Bunny's?" "Sure." I answer and she says, "Great, let's go." We leave and meet back up there. We talk about school and I find out that Mandi is working to get a degree in fashion. She is good at so many things. We have been here for about an hour and a half now. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm really tired." Mandi says and Jessie says, "I am." "Well I'm glad we could do this. Thanks for joining us Harry." Mandi says and I say, "It was my pleasure." Mandi grabs her purse and starts grabbing her wallet but I stop her. "I got it." I say and she says, "No I can't let you do tha-" "No it's on me." I say again taking the check from her. "Thank you Harry." She says and I nod. I pay and we all leave.


We get home and Jessie says, "He's so nice. He totally likes you Mandi." "I don't think so." I say and she says, "Really. His face lights up when he sees you. He also paid for our drinks." "Okay the fact that he paid doesn't matter her was just being nice." I say and she says, "Whatever. He likes you and that's the bottom line." I roll my eyes and go to my room. It is almost nine. I take off my makeup and brush my hair before going back downstairs. We sit on the couch and watch Pitch Perfect 2. It is almost 11. "I'm going to bed." I say and go upstairs. I fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up at 9 and am very glad that I don't work or have any classes today. I need to do some shopping. I shower and throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a sweatshirt. I put on my TIMS and grab my purse. I decide to go to Starbucks to get some coffee. I walk in and order. When I get my coffee there is a phone number on the cup. I look up at the barista and he says, "My name's Brendan, call me sometime." "Okay." I say and walk out. He's pretty cute. If I tell Jessie and Maci about him they will freak out because they think that Harry and I should be together but I don't know why he would want to be with me. I'm not good enough for him. I get to the mall and get the things that I need. I leave and get home. I add Brendan's contact on my phone and text him.

Me: Hey it's Mandi. You put your number on my latte today.

Brendan: Hey so would you like to go out sometime?

Me: Sure. When?

Brendan: How about Tuesday night. I'll pick you up at 6?

Me: Sounds good to me see you then.

Well I have a date. I need to look for a job. I get on my laptop and look for places hiring. I see the name Lacey Shay and my eyes widen. She is a huge designer. (That's made up I don't even think that's a real person.) It looks like she is looking for an assistant. I look at the phone number and call her office. "Hi Lacey Shay design company, this is Tara speaking." "Hi I'm Mandi Benson. I saw that Lacey was looking for an assistant." I say and she says , "yes she is. Would you like to set up an interview?" "Yes of course." I answer and she asks, "How about Tuesday at 1?" "That works for me. Thank you." I respond and she says, "Of course see you then." We hang up and I scream. Jessie and Maci come running in here. "What the hell? Are you okay?" Maci asks and I say, "Yea I just got an interview to be Lacey Shay's assistant!" "Oh my gosh that's great!" Maci says as she hugs me. "I'm so proud of you." Jessie says and I say "Thanks." We end up watching tv until about 10 and we go to bed.

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