Chapter Two: Sharingan

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"Minato... Pro.. tect.. the. . Vil... laage....." I said with darkness started to overcome me.

No one P.O.V

A little blond hair kid who was no less the 3 years old, was running away from a mob of villagers. Suddenly he took a sharp right and ended up in a dead end. "We got you now Demon!" Said the first villager. "You will pay for what you did to my family!" Said the second villager. "Please stop, i didnt do anything!" Cried the blond hair kid. "Did you stop when you killed our loved ones and familys huh?!" Shouted the third villager. Before the blond haired did something, he was smashed at the head with a bottle. His head was bleeding so much he collapsed to the ground. The ninjas pinned him to the wall with a kunai and started stabbing him without mercy. He cried out like a little boy not a demons cry.

"Hes decieving us!" Shouted the first villager. "Kill him!" Shouted the third villager. It was about 11:23 p.m. when they tortured him. They were writing "Demon" "Monster" on his body. His sight went blurry on the lasr kunai hit his stomach.

"Katon: Goukakyou no Jutsu!" An anbu shouted. Then the villagers were engulfed in flames. You could hear they're cries and screams. "Oh Naruto-kun, im sorry im late." Said the Anbu. He picked up the blond hair kid who was now know as Naruto. The anbu was shocked to see Naruto's eyes who were now a red color with two black tomoes. "You have cool eyes mister.." Naruto said. "You too" the anbu said.

Naruto then fell asleep. When he woke up, he was in a sewer and a huge cage infront of him. He saw big red eyes and pointy teeth.

Naruto P.O.V

"My Jinchuriki finally visits me." Said an unknown voice. "Who are you? Wait, are you the kyuubi?" I said. "You are very smart in your age." The kyuubi said. "Uhm.. Whats your name mister?" The kyuubi was shocked that Naruto asked his name. "Its Kurama kit. And whats yours?" The kyuubi asked. "Its Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! Believe it!" I said with full of enthusiasm. "Um Kurama?" "Yes kit?" "Can we be friends?" Kurama was shocked again to hear that from Naruto. "Why?" Kurama asked. "Its because i dont have a-any f-f-friends..." Naruto said stuttering almost wanting the feeling to cry. "Sure kit!" Kurama said. "Awesome!!" Naruto said. "Ugh!! Whats happening?!" Naruto said with fear that his vision got blurry. "Calm down kit, your waking up" "Can we still talk?" Naruto said slightly calmed down. "Yes kit, but only through your mind and dont say it out loud." "Okay, bye Kurama!" Naruto said waving. "Bye kit." And with that Naruto was awake.

He happened to wake up not on his room but in the Hospital. Oh how he hated the hospital.

He sit up knowing he wasnt alone. There was an anbu wearing a weasel mask and he had a pony tail hair. He was wearing his anbu gear. "Good, your awake." Said the anbu. "Um who are you mister?" I said "Oh im weasel." "No your real name not your code name." I said "Thats ordered as secret information, im sorry Naruto-kun." The anbu said. "How do you know my name?" I said. "Thats also secret information." The anbu said as he was about to leave. "Oh and Naruto-kun, where were your parents?" He said. "Well.. They dont care about me..." I said almost breaking into tears. "What do you mean?" The anbu asked.

"Well, everytime i t-tell t-hem that.. that the vi-llagers b-b-beat me k-aa-san s-slaps m-me a-and if i-im l-late. I-i often get dinner from t-t-them."I said and then noticed when i touched my cheeks it was wet.

Weasel was shocked when he heared that his parents or the yondaime hokage and lady kushina treats him this bad. Weasel then came close to Naruto and hugged him and said "Its ok Naruto-kun, ill tell the hokage if i can adopt you. Anyways you have the sharingan so its not a big a deal" "Who are you? *sniff*" I said wiping my tears. "I am Itachi Uchiha." Weasel said a.k.a Itachi now. "Please Itachi-nii i cant stand to live at their house anymore." I said with little hope. "Its ok Naruto-kun. I will try to convince the hokage but for now you must rest." Itachi said. "M.. kay 'tachi-nii!" I said with a big smile on my face it wasnt a fake smile... It was a real smile.

Itachi then smiled behind his mask and mumbled quietly so Naruto cant hear. He said "You will be our new otouto Naruto-kun, Satsuki will be happy she got a brother." After that Itachi shunshinned to the hokage tower.

Itachi P.O.V

I shunshinned to the hokage tower if i can adopt Naruto. I knocked at the door and heard a faint "come in" i came in the door and saw the 3rd hokage reanimated. Luckily it wasnt the 4th. "Itachi-kun, what brings you here?" Hiruzen asked. "Naruto got beaten again by the villagers hokage-sama but there is something important about Naruto." I said seriously. "And whats important other than Naruto getting beaten?" Hiruzen said. "He got the Sharingan hokage-sama" the hokage was shocked to hear that the heir of the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan got the sharingan.

"How?" He asked "I dont know hokage-sama maybe his parents were related to uchihas but i would like an adoption hokage-sama" i said. "Who would you want to adopt?" Hiruzen asked. "I would like to adopt Naruto." I said. "Itachi, he already go-" Hiruzen was interrupted by Itachi "No. His parents abused him and never listed to him when the villagers attacked him. He even got slapped in the face by his own mother! " I said, no shouted. Hiruzen rose a brow. "Im sorry hokage-sama" i said with a face full of sorrow. "No, your right Itachi-kun. You can adopt Naruto." "Arigatou hokage-sama" i said.

After i was done signing the paper i went back to the hospital to see Naruto. 'Hes gonna be so happy when i told him i adopted him' Itachi thought and smiled.

Aaaaaaaand Cut. This time i made 1075 words!! The next chapter maybe tomorrow or the next day. I still dont know but i need you guys to pick his bloodline i have some suggestions here:

-He can copy bloodlines
-He has the Sharinneseikugan (Sharingan Rinnegan Tenseigan and Byakugan)
-He has unlimited chakra

And also guys i will be adding romance to this so choose narutos date i have some suggestions here:


If you have any suggestions on his bloodline and date, feel free to comment on it. Anways cya till the next chapter! Cya potetos!







I dont own Naruto sadly

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