Chapter Eight: Journey to the Wave

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"Welp.. looks like you passed." I said. Satsuki cheered while Naruto and Menma smirked. 'This team will make it far.' I thought.

Naruto POV

It's been 2 weeks since Satsuki and I became a genin. All we did was do D-ranked missions, or more like chores. We went to the hokage's office to get another mission.

"Ah.. Team 7, are you here for a mission?" The 4th said. "Hai hokage-sama." Sensei said. I was growling at my "father" who doesn't even remember me. "Lets see, Team 7, you will catch tora the cat. What's wrong Naruto?" The hokage asked. "Don't you have a child that you abandoned?" I said.

"No, i only have one child and its Menma." That made me furious. "Okay team 7 lets go." Sensei said and we all left leaving a confused hokage.

Time skip: 2 hours

"Point A, Kakashi here."
"Point B, tomate girl here."
"Point C, blondy here."
"Point D, Uchiha here." (Idk)

"Point B, how many meters are your target?"

"Five meters sensei."

"Point C?"

"7 meters sir."

"And point D"

"0 meters sir".

"What?!" Kakashi said while I was petting the cat. "Lets get you home." I said. I grabbed Satsuki's hand and we shunshinned to the hokage's office. "Oh there you are Tora!!" The woman said and gave Tora a bone crushing hug. 'Thats why it ran away' i thought.

"Thank you for your reward, ill pay you double." The woman said. "Thank you." We all said in unison. After the woman left, we did another mission. "Lets see.. Baby sitting, pulling wee-" "Tou-san! I have enoughed of these chores. I need a higher ranked mission!" Menma said. Minato sighed. "Are they ready Kakashi?" "Yes hokage-sama."

"Okay bring him in." Minato said and then the anbu came back with a drunk man who reeks sake! "This is what i paid for? A couple of brats? Especially the short one with black hair." The man said. Just then i filled the room with KI to make the man fell onto his knees while the hokage has a hard time breathing. I let off the KI and finally made the hokage breath.

"Team 7, this is Tazuna. You will be escorting him to the Land of Waves." "You are now dismissed except you Naruto." Minato said and Team 7 left, except me.

"What do you want?" I said with anger. He did some silencing seals around the office so no one can hear what we are saying. Minato the signed the anbu and they left. "Naruto, i am so sorry for what we have done on the past. Please forgive us." Minato said. "Like i said, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ABUSED ME AND NEVER CARED ABOUT ME! YOU DISOWNED ME WHEN YOU LOCKED ME OUT OF THE HOUSE AND NEVER BELIEVED ME WHEN I AM INJURED AND HALF TO DEATH!!" I said with demonic voice and left to pack my stuff. When i wss about to leave, i heard him mumble "what have we done."

I shunshinned to Team 7 and Satsuki got surprised. "Ah Naruto your here." Kaka-sensei said. "So Naruto's here, we can start. So start packing. This trip might last a week so pack things that last a week and meet me at the gate in 2 hours." "Hai sensei." We all said and Menma started running while me and Satsuki shunshinned to our apartment. I grabbed 500 shurikens, 500 kunais, 100 explosive tags and kunais and my katana. Hey, better than be overprepared rather than underprepared.

Me and Satsuki appeared 2 hours late cause we know sensei would be. We shunshinned there only to be met by Menma's screaming about how "LATE" we are. And then Kakashi poofed in a smoke. "Hello." "Your LATE!" Menma said. "Well i had to help an old woman cross the road." "LIAR!" Menma shouted again.

Sorry guys. I had to cut it soon cause my phone will be repaired and hope you can see this chappy. Sorry guys but i will update this in the next three days if im correct, im sorry. By the way guys please message me if you like a mini harem of NaruXHakuXKurama? Maybe. Anyways im really sorry guys but thank you so much for 300+ views!!! Thank you so much! Cya Potetos!!

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