Chapter Twelve: Successor of the Six Paths

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After she explained everything i heared an old voice. "Well well well, looks like kurama here had made a friend." An old voice said. "Are you?........."

Naruto's mindscape

"Are you?......." i said shocked. "Father!" Kurama said. "Yes Naruto, my name is Hagoromo Otsutsuki. The sage of six paths." The old man said now known as Hogoromo. "What are you doing here gramps?" I said. He chuckled and said, "to give you half of my power ofcourse. And when you master that power, i will give you the rest of my powers. The world is in your hands." He said and touched my head.

I felt power surging into my head to my body to my chakra points. Everything then went blurry and i woke up. "Was that a dream?" I asked myself. I got up and i felt power on my right hand. I saw a sun on my right hand.

"What the heck is this?" I said. "So it wasn't a dream after all." I then changed my clothes and wore gloves to hide the sun.

Satsuki POV

I woke up to notice Naruto who somehow is talking while sleeping. I only heard gibberish so i went down stairs to cook breakfast for us. While i was cooking i didn't   notice Naruto was there. I'm done cooking and about to call Naruto when he was already at the table.

"Hey bro." I said to him. "Yeah sis?" "What were you dreaming about and why are you wearing gloves?" I asked to him. "Well... you know... ummm... i had a bad dream! Yes a bad dream and I'm wearing gloves cause.... I want to." He finished. I glared at him and he was sweating bullets already.

"Alright" i smiled and put the food down. We ate silently and got ready for todays mission.

Naruto POV

'phew... That was soooo close!' I screamed internally in my mind. We ate silently and we got ready for today. I saw the clock and saw it was 5 a.m. 'well I can train for at least 4 hours since Kakashi is going to be late for 2 hours.' I thought and headed out to train.

I did my usual morning routine. 500 laps around the village, 200 push-ups, sit-ups, curl-ups and up and down on the highest mountain I could see. With gravity weights,weighing 50,000 on my body, and on my arms and legs. Total of 150,000 weight. I finished in 3 hours without breaking a sweat. I then tested my jutsus.
The lists are:

1. Op complete with sharingan Susanoo

2. Using rinnegan and tenseigan.

3. White Amaterasu. (Hottest Amaterasu ever casted.)

4. Edo Tensei

5. The last EMR and EMT. (Eternal mangekyou rinnegan and tenseigan)

The last and not the least.

6. All the jutsus + The half of the six paths power

Sooooo OP! But don't worry guys,there's someone stronger than Naruto. I won't tell you but he will come out in the mid 21 or 23 chapters!!

I destroyed the whole training ground and a massive hole on the ground and I quickly repaired it. My EMR, RinneSharingan and EMT active and I quickly deactivated it. I  sensed someone watching but I didnt care. I quickly shunshinned to the training ground and saw Kakashi, Menma and Satsuki. I forgot to deactivate my RinneSharingan and they were shocked.

Sorry guys if its so short guys... I.... Really need to focus more on my studies :( I am really sowwy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I promise a new chapter on sunday! I promise!! Thanks for 2k views guys!! This is so amazing!! Thanks for everyone who supported me, my dad,mom I really appreciated it. I also wanna say late Father's day! Good day to ya all! Cya potetos!

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