Chapter Four: The Academy

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"Im Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Believe it!" I said with a smile. They all laughed on my last sentence. 'This is gonna be a whole new life!' I thought and laughed.

Time skip: 8 months.

Satsuki POV

Its already months since Naruto came to our family. I got closer to him and so did he and to everyone else. We would train together to make us stronger. Now this is the time that tou-san will train us.

"Tou-san" i said. "Yes?" Tou-san said. "You said you will train both me and Naruto." I said "oh right! I forgot. Alright then, call your brother." He said. "Hai!" And then i rushed to get Naruto. After i called him, tou-san said to meet him on the river. We followed and saw him there.

"Tou-san!!" We both shouted together. "Ah. There you are!" He said. "So what are we gonna do today tou-san?" I said. "Yeah what are we gonna do today?" Naruto said after. Tou-san then said "You two will be learning the Katon: Goukakyou no Jutsu" he said to us. "You both are Uchiha so you have the fire affinitie." Tou-san said once again. "But tou-san, i am not Uchiha blood." Naruto said frowning. "Naruto, you have the sharingan. It means you have sharingan blood." Tou-san said. Naruto and I were shocked when we heard the Sharingan. "Okay, here are the handsigns." Tou-san flashed through some handsigns and took a deep breath and blew out a big fireball.

"Woah!!" Me and Naruto said in unison. "So memorize the handsigns and when you do it, make sure you feel a slight burn on your cheeks and lungs. Make sure not to overdo it or your cheeks or lungs get burned." Tou-san warned us. "Hai!" We both said. After minutes of memorizing, we finally did it. Naruto did it first. "Katon: Goukakyou no Jutsu!" Naruto said and blew a fireball much larger than tou-san's. Naruto was panting and smiled at what he did. Now it was my turn

"Katon: Goukakyou no Jutsu!" I said and blew a small sized fire ball. "Darn!" I said. Naruto then helped me. He said to put chakra in the lungs and the cheeks balanced. I did it again and finally did it after the 34th try. It was as big as tou-san's example, but not as big as Naruto's. It was already sunset and i was panting heavily. We returned back home. "Were home!" We both shouted. Kaa-san greeted us and we sat on the chair for dinner. After dinner, we brushed our teeth and went to bed.

Time skip: 4 years

Naruto was now 7 years old and i was 8 years old. "Tou-san, can we go to the academy?" We asked. "Sure, i'll just register you both there." Tou-san said. (If your wondering, in my story the academy starts at the age of 7-9)

Time skip: 4 hours. 9:24 p.m.

Naruto POV (finally:D)

I was panting heavily during me and Satsuki's training about chakra control. Tou-san told us if i would be the top rookie and Satsuki would be top kunoichi, we would be on the same team with the deadlast. "You should head up and sleep now because you will be attending class tomorrow." Tou-san said to us. "Hai!" We said and went to sleep.

Time skip: 1 day

Naruto POV

"... to!..." A female voice said. "... ruto!." The voice said agian. "NARUTO!!!!!" The voice said that woke me up. "Aaaahh!!" I said waking up. The voice that woke me up was Satsuki's voice. "Were gonna be late!" Satsuki said. "Hai hai!..." i said then looked at the clock. It said 6:45 a.m. I rushed to the bathroom to change my clothes to my ninja attire. My shirt was an orange suit with an Uchiha crest on my shoulders and a small Uzumaki swirl next to the Uchiha crest. I was wearing an anbu pants and my blue sandals. I rushed down to take a toast bread and looked at the clock. It said 6:57 a.m.

'Oh no.. Were gonna be late!' I thought to myself. Me and Satsuki started jumping roof to roof to get there. When we got there we were barely on time. When we walked in the classroom, there were chit chat everywhere. We sat down on an empty seat. And then our sensei came in. "Quiet down class. My name is Iruka. Im your sensei for the academy." Our sensei said know as Iruka. 'This is gonna be so boooorinnngg!!!' Me and Satsuki thought.

Cut cut cut!! Omygod guys! We reached 60 views! It may be low but still! This really means alot to me.! So about the Naruto's bloodline, No one has suggestion yet. But there are already some on Naruto's date in the future. There was already some suggestions saying femhaku or fuu. NaruIno sounds good but i dont know for you guys. If you agree, please comment down. Thats all for now guys! Cya Potetos!!

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