A Sigh, A Scream

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There was no doubt in Caspian's mind that Lucy was correct in her hunch as to where her family was being held. As soon as he read her words, he could feel that that was where his wife and the other Pevensies were being held. There had to be old plans that were drawn up of those now-ruins, though he could not think of anyone who had dared explore the ruins of the White Witch's castle after Aslan had taken his wife and her siblings to clear them when the castle was still standing. For the past few hours, Caspian had been speaking with trusted Narnians, trying to see if anyone knew anything about the castle, though the only useful information he had obtained was that nearly two years ago a stranger to the area had inquired as to what the ruins had once been. 

Perhaps the library would hold knowledge, old fragile scrolls from the Golden Age of Narnia still existing and meticulously copied by Ell and others. It was his last hope, save for someone from the Golden Ages showing up at the palace gates with a thorough map. If nothing could be found, then he would go in blind if he had to. He was not going to let those he loved suffer one more day at the hands of those who would cause them harm if he could help it. 

However, before he could even make it to the library, Ell rushed up the nearby stairs, out of breath and wide-eyed. The faun motioned for Caspian to go downstairs, still unable to speak from rushing so quickly. Caspian raised a brow but made his way downstairs quickly, trusting that whatever had caused the faun to rush would be of the utmost importance. 

Turning the corner towards the main entrance, his eyes went wide at the sight before him.

"I believe you are looking for someone to help you obtain knowledge of the ruins of the White Witch's castle? Luckily for you, I was there. "

Caspian sighed with relief as hope washed over his features, a grin stretching across his face. "It has been too long, Aslan."


"So let me get this straight; you think Edmund is alive because of a dream?" Peter asked, trying not to sound disbelieving. The family was whispering, fear of their words being heard in case Lucy was correct. He knew Lucy had a connection with Aslan he could not begin to comprehend, but to send her visions in dreams?

Lucy nodded, having finished relating everything relevant to them about their time away and then sharing her realization with them. "I have had many dreams that I felt were guiding me to you. I believe I once dreamed through your eyes, even. If the dream showed me where you were, then could it not have also showed me that Edmund lived?"

"I want to believe he's alive." Susan spoke, shifting positions to relieve some of the stress on her back. "Lucy saw it along with other things that have proven to be true, so we can only assume he lives."

"But Caspian declared the body to be Edmund's." Peter argued. "And I do not think he would lie about something like that."

Peter knew his brother-in-law to be an honest man. He would not have lied to Lucy about their brother being dead. Unless it was to save Lucy...?

"I trust my husband knew what he was doing. Perhaps there was a note left on the corpse he spotted, and he acted accordingly?" 

"Come to think of it, the outfit on the body didn't look familiar." Lucy chimed in as she focused back on that terrible moment. "But with all the tragedy that has surrounded our family as of late, my mind must have assumed the worst before I took a long look. There was also the fact I believe I was under some form of drug at the time that inhibited my judgement..."

Right, that bastard Jesse- who Peter assumed to be Lust from Lucy's description earlier- had drugged his sister. He would see to it that Lust got what he deserved for such an action as soon as they were freed. 

"So then, perhaps Elda and Edmund planned the murder for some reason? You did say Elda's methods were still pretty questionable. Maybe she discovered our location as well, and wanted to throw off the plans of this group long enough to cause a chaos they could use to free us?" Susan theorized, rubbing small circles on her stomach as the baby stirred. 

Lucy nodded. "Perhaps, though I really do think the murder was unintentional."

Peter started to speak, but stopped quickly, hearing footsteps approaching. 

"Ah, my king and queens. Aren't you all looking lovely! I trust you slept well, Lucy? You do look so lovely when you sleep..."

At the sound of that accented voice, Peter's eyes narrowed. 

Lust had come to visit. 


"Momma, where is daddy?" Jealously asked, her little eyes filled with tears. "I want to see daddy!"

Envy tried to show little reaction as her daughter wept, though she herself wished to. It was not right that Wrath still lived and that her husband had to pay for his mistake with his life. It was not right... This was all Greed's doing, and Sloth and Gluttony had done little to stop them from destroying her husband, leaving him nearly unrecognizable after hours of torture. His body was just a room away, Greed still in there and likely continuing to mangle her husband's form. For the first time in a long time, Envy wanted nothing more than to have never met Greed. The plan was falling apart, even with Lust and Insolence bringing the silver queen. With the death of her husband and Wrath turning traitor, there were not enough members that could be entrusted to carry out the roles they were all meant to play...  

"Daddy told me the job of the king and queen is to look out for EVERYONE! Why didn't they protect daddy from Greed? Where is daddy? Why didn't you save him, Momma!" 

Jealousy's shouts grew louder, her face red and puffy as her nose began to run. Envy reached out to comfort the young child, but she pulled away from her mother's embrace. 

"What is with all the crying, child?" Greed's voice was a cold hiss as they entered the room. "We have no time for the folly of useless tears."

Jealousy ran towards Greed, her hands balled into fists. "What did you do to my daddy?"

Greed laughed a cruel laugh, pushing the girl aside before she could reach them. Taking on Pride's voice, they taunted the child. "What I did was simple. Your father ruined our plans, so I killed him. And, if you do not soon quiet yourself, I will send you to join him. You don't want to look like this, do you?"

With those words, Greed threw the door to the other room open. Envy tried to grab her daughter and hide her face, but it was too late. 

Pride's mangled body caused his daughter to scream in horror.

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