Prologue: A New Beginning

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"LINDSAY, MY OFFICE NOW." Erin had just got back from meeting with the council. She knew that it was stupid for her to bring the gun into the interrogation room, but she needed to find the kid. Lately her hormones had been all over the place, and every case that involved kids made her kick into a different mode.

"How'd it go?" Voight asked as I took a seat on the couch across from his desk. 

"Not well. Hank, I screwed up big time. There's no coming back from this one. I don't regret it though, you know it." 

"I raised you, Erin, of course I know. What's next?"

"I don't know... you tell me." She sat and bounced her leg up and down as she kept her eyes on her her knuckles.

"Take the job."

"What?" She asked as she looked up at him.

"You didn't think I knew? The FBI has tried to contact me so many times to see if i was going to give you up. Er, why stay? You wouldn't be allowed back up here even if I sold my limbs for you, they wouldn't allow it."

"What about my life here? The team, my friends.."

"Jay." He knew that she was hesitant about taking the job because of Jay. They were on hiatus right now, but that didn't mean they weren't still in love with each other or cared about each other.

"Erin, you need to go. Don't look back. If you say goodbye to him, you won't have the courage to do it. Take this phone, it's a new number, something that can only be reached by me right now. You can add more numbers onto it when you get to NYC, but it's not trackable. Erin, pack what you need and leave tonight. I'll ship the rest out the minute you get on that plane. You have a desk there, and an apartment that overlooks the city. Go, and start over." She got up and watched he handed her the dog tag with his fingerprint. He gave her the new phone and key to her apartment.

"I love you kiddo."

"I love you, too." Erin Lindsay did not cry, but in this moment, she left a single tear fall. 

She grabbed her coat from the chair and sprinted down the stairs. The team would be at Molly's right now, wondering where she was. She quickly made her way to her apartment and gathered everything she needed and threw the rest into empty boxes that she stored in the hallway closet from her last move. She wanted to start fresh. She grabbed a suitcase and shoved a couple outfits inside before grabbing the photo albums that Hank and Camille kept of her and Justin. She felt for the necklace that she wore around her neck. It belonged to Camille. She now wore the necklace that Camille wore, and Hank's fingerprint around her neck to keep her. She knew that she shouldn't take any other memory of Jay along, but she got this weird feeling in her stomach so she grabbed a single picture of the two of them, and left everything else behind. She went back out the bridge overlooking Chicago one last time with just her backpack, the small carry on. Jay kept calling. She couldn't answer. She shouldn't. He left a voice mail. She knew that she should't listen to it, but she had to. 

Hey Bab-Er. Where are you? we are all waiting on you at Molly's but you aren't here. Is everything okay? We need to talk, so let me knew when you get here. I lov... Bye, Er.

She was going soft, because once again she shed another tear. She listened to the voicemail once more before she took the phone and threw it into the bay before making her way to the airport. 

"Ms. Lindsay. I will be your driver for the first few days, is there anywhere you'd like to go? to grab some food?" Food made Erin nauseous, which was unusual for her. 

"No, I'm not feeling well, just home please."

"Welcome to New York. The FBI is lucky to have you."

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