Chapter 16

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*Daniel's POV*

What about her parents???

How I'm i going to tell them what is

going to happen to their daughter????

Did the doctor already tell them what

happened or do I have to tell them

because I really don't want to. Ugh!

What is going to happen to my

beautiful baby? I love her so much I

can't live without her. I need her in my

life or there is no point in living. 1 more

month how are I'm I going to do this??


I called her parents and they were

shocked and sad about how long their

daughter is going to live. Then her

patents came vac and told her that she

is only going to live 1 more months and

then there us nothing they can do

about and that they are sorry. Then

they called the doctor and asks how

much longer she has stay here. And

they said that she along had to stay for

1 more hour then she can leave just to

make sure she is okay.


Lily's POV

We just left the hospital and to be

honest I hate it there,and it smells bad

and I just DON'T like it there. it's just

reminds me of so much bad stuff like

people dieing,screaming

people, much blood

I'm the kind of persons that doesn't like

blood at all. So....ya

When I got home the first thing I did

was run to my room and flip down on

it. "YAS! Finally home YAS!" I

screamed. I walked down the stairs As

I heard my parents laugh. "I love u guys

SO much,do you know that? I asked.

"Yes and I love u to sweetheart." my

dad said "Yes and I love you to

sweetie." My mom said I both hugged

them and went back up to my room

and fell sleep.

Endless - Daniel SkyeWhere stories live. Discover now