Chapter 13

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I'm so tired thanks for all the reads 😊

*Lily's POV*

We were walking out of six flags when it happened. I couldn't breathe. "DANIEL!" I SCREAMED "HOSPITAL!" "now!" I heard something then things started go black.

*Daniel's POV*

We were walking back to the car when Lily started screaming my name "DANIEL!" "HOSPITAL!" "now!" I think she blacked out I ran and put her i the car and called 911. "911 what's your emergency?" "HELLO MY GIRLFRIEND BLACK OUT SHE HAS LUNG CANCER PLEASE HELP ME!" "Okay sir where are you at?" "IM AT SIX FLAGS PLEASE HURRY!" "we will be there in 4 minutes." "THANK YOU!" I scream after hanging up. I sat there talking to Lily. "Lily....Please? Babe." nothing "Please!!" still nothing "Please Lily I need you...I want you...I love you." then I herd sirens. and I knew that I was the ambulance. before they took her away I kissed her lips one more time. They put her on a stretcher on put her in the ambulance truck and took her away. I called Lily's parents and told them to meet me at the hospital. I pulled up at the hospital at ran in. "LILY BROOKES?" "257 floor 3" "THANKS!" "Ugh NO TIME FOR ELEVATOR!!!" I thought "STAIRS!" I randomly just shouted that out loud? oh well. I ran up the stairs to floor 3 and saw door 253. Ugh!! 254...255...256...257. YÄS!!! finally! I was about to walk in when the nurse stopped me. " Excuse me but you can't go in here." "Why?!" I said rudely "Because only Family can see her and she is in a coma." She said. " I'm family.Now! let me in!" I said as I passed her walking. I walk in and I see her mom and dad suiting by her bed that she is lying on. Wow they got here fast. they look at me and then back to her. it was an awkward silence so I decided to speak up.

"We were at just walking out of six flags and then she couldn't breathe. I called the ambulance. they came and took her away." Lily's mom then said " I'm glad you did the right thing Daniel." then she did a slight smile. " Just please take good care of her for us when we are not around. Okay?" Her dad said " Yes sir, I'll give her all of my love to her she is my everything...And... I don't know what I would do without her." They both smiled after all I said. I'll leave you guys alone her mom said. and with that she and Lily's dad left the room.
Sorry I'm tired I'm write more later 😐

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