Guardian Angel // Race x Reader

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Requested?: nope!

Pairing: Racetrack Higgins & (Female) Reader

Summary: The Reader has always suffered from Sleep Paralysis, but during one episode, her selling partner, best friend and secret love, Race, comforts her, but things end much differently than she would ever expect.

Warnings: Sleep Paralysis episode, Light NSFW (only if you squint)

Please Note: this contains an episode of Sleep Paralysis, which can be somewhat disturbing. This is NOT meant to romanticize mental illnesses, but to show thats it's perfectly ok and normal to suffer from mental illnesses.
The room was deathly still as her eyes darted to the corner of the bedroom. In the corner she could see a dark figure crouched over, eyes glowing red, demonic looking, something straight out of a horror movie. Her breath was sharp, she felt her body begin to shake as the figure made its way over to her slowly, she tried to move her limbs but couldn't. That's when she knew it was happening again. Ever since she was a little girl, she's seen the same figure, it's followed her for years, haunting the corner of all of her bedrooms.

As the figure got closer to her, she shut her eyes tightly. It's not real, it's not real, it's not real she repeated over and over again in her mind. She slightly opened it to see the figure hovering over her bunk. It felt like she was underwater, like she was drowning in a ocean of fear and anxiety. You're not real, this is all fake she repeated again, shutting her eyes tightly again. With all of her strength, as if she was being suffocated, she let out a strangled scream.

"Y/N!! Y/N!! Are you ok?" A voice said, shaking her limp body. Her eyes quickly shot open, trying to take in what was happening. The rest of the room was seemingly asleep, which didn't surprise her since the boys were always heavy sleepers, but next to her was a boy, a warm and familiar face.

Looking back at her was her selling partner and best friend, Race, eyes filled with worry and sadness. He knew about the paralysis, but he never witnessed it happening until this moment. It frightened him seeing his best friend and secret crush in distress like this, he wanted to make it all go away.

"Race?" She said, hot tears streaming down her face as she crashed into his body. His strong arms wrapped tightly around her, his hand running through her tangled hair.
"Shhh...I'm here. Yous gots nothing to be afraid of." He soothed, kissing her forehead. He didn't know what to do but hold her.
"I-it was horrible Race. Just horrible." She choked on her words as she cried into his shoulder. She tightened her grip on him as she fell to pieces, in all the years she has been a newsie, never once did she cry, at least, not in front of the boys.
"What happened doll? You can talk to me." He said, his voice was soft and gentle, like a blanket on a cold winter day.
"I-i had another episode. There was a shadow in the corner, h-he tried to get me. It was so scary, Race. He was hovering over me, I thought something terrible was going to happen." She cried, shaking like a leaf.
Races heart broke into a million pieces as he listened to her, knowing that she must have been terrified, feeling alone during this.
"This time was terrible, the worst I've had in years, I thought these were gone for good. I am so scared Race." She said, quivering as she remembered the red eyes in the corner of the room. She looked up from his now tear soaked shoulder. His eyes were sad, concerned but sad.

"I'm so sorry Darlin', yous is too sweet to go through this. I promise you, I'll never let anything hurt you, even in your dreams." He said, stroking a knot out of her hair.
"How Race? How can you protect me from this?"
"I'll fall asleep next to you, I'll hold your hand and make sure that you are safe. I'll do anything in my power to make sure you're safe. You mean too much to me, Y/N."
"You would do all of that for me?" She said, mumbling from his shoulder.
"Of course I would, Yous is my girl..." He stopped once he realized what he said, his face turning bright red. He's always had feelings for her and he was always good at keeping them quiet, but he just let it slip. She looked up at him, wiping her eyes and allowing a slight smile to spread across her face.
"Your girl?" She said, smirking and raising an eyebrow.
"Uh..." he started nervously "I mean, yous is great and stuff, and I really like you, but when I mean like, I mean like more than a friend, but I know yous probably don't feel the same.." he was cut off by a kiss, a long but simple kiss. He leaned into the kiss, holding the back of her head and stroking her hair.
"Are you trying to ask me to be your girl Race?" She said, pulling away from the kiss, smiling.
"If you'd want to be." He said, blushing still.
"Of course I will." She said, hugging him closer.
He pulled back from her and kissed her again, this time much more passionately, both of them laying down together, hands exploring each other's bodies, with each touch and each kiss she felt the fear subside, the vision of the red eyes and shadow eventually becoming a distant memory.

Eventually Race fell asleep, his body wrapped around hers, holding her in the tightest embrace. For once in her life, she actually felt safe. Like nothing, even her dreams, could hurt her now. She closed her eyes, falling into a sweet dream, knowing that her guardian angel Race was there with her.
I hope you guys enjoyed this lil story!! My requests are still open, so please send in your requests! All prompts can be found in this book! Don't forget to comment and give feedback, I always appreciate it!
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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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