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Freddy arrived at their home from work. He was struggling to unlock the door, probably because he was tired. He finally unlocked the door and went inside, closing the door behind him gently. He arrived very late at night, and He didn't want to wake up Bonnie from his sleep. He put away his things in the living room and climbed upstairs. 

He had enough energy to go to the bathroom and take a shower. After that, he grabbed a towel and wiped it all over his body. He wrapped it around his waist and went to his room to get dressed. It was really cold, so He quickly wore a black T-shirt and warm pants. 

He checked his phone if he got any messages. He got 3 messages from his Boss, Foxy and Bonnie.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that, I'll fire him right when I see him. Thank you for reporting this to me, Mr. Fazbear." A message from his Boss that was sent 2 hours ago. 

"LOL DUDE LOOK AT THIS MEME HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" A message from Foxy with a GIF of a green frog puppet being thrown off on top of a high building. It was sent 3 hours ago.

"Hey, It's late and you're not home yet. You're probably going through a lot of work today. Come home safely, Okay?" A message from Bonnie that was sent 1 hour ago. His message sounded like he misses Freddy a lot. It made Freddy happy that Bonnie was concerned for him. He put away his phone and went to Bonnie's room to check on him. Bonnie was shivering. 

Freddy got worried and held Bonnie's hand. It was as cold as the weather. Bonnie was sleeping with shorts on without the blanket over him. Freddy sighed and laid beside Bonnie. He took the blanket and put it over them both. He wrapped his arm around Bonnie and pull him closer to him.

 He wrapped his arm around Bonnie and pull him closer to him

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(I hate drawing backgrounds.) 

Freddy hugged the cold bunny for extra warmth. He closed his eyes and started to mumble. "You're so stupid, you know.." 

"You should be concerned for yourself instead of being worried about me.." Freddy sighed. He slightly opened his eyes and smelled his hair. He hugged Bonnie a little bit tighter. "But..Seeing you being so worried about me...makes me happy." He started to feel his eyelids getting heavier.

"Thank you for worrying about me..." He held Bonnie's hand, that was warmer than before, before closing his eyes with a small smile and fell asleep. Bonnie, being slightly awake, held Freddy's hand back. 

"...Welcome home.." Bonnie mumbles with a small smile. 

They both dreamed about each other that night. 

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