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Goldie woke up in the morning with the birds singing on his window. He stretched out his arms and stood up. He had a good sleep and had a sweet dream, like always. "..Today's another great day!" He says in a good mood. He did his morning routine before he went to the kitchen to make breakfast. 

He remembered that Bonnie slept over with Freddy, so he made breakfast for 3. He made bacon and eggs for Freddy and Bonnie and a stack of pancakes for himself. He was going to make pancakes for all of them, but then he ran out of batter and ingredients needed. 

While making the pancakes, he smelled the bacon he cooked earlier. "...Bacon pancakes, makin' bacon pancakes.." He started to hum a song while flipping the pancakes. 

"I wonder if those two are awake by now? I should wake them up after." Goldie mumbles, placing the last pancake on top of the stack in his plate. He placed the three meals in the dining table and went upstairs. He went in front of Freddy's room and was going to knock but...

"Oh god!" He hears Bonnie moan. "It's so hard!" Bonnie shouts. "You want me to push harder?" Freddy asked. Goldie just stood there frozen with his face all red from blushing. "Y-Yeah! Do that!" Bonnie says. "Okay, Here I go!" Freddy grunts when he 'pushed'.

"Oh yeah! There we go!" Bonnie moaned, sounded kind of relieved. Goldie couldn't take it anymore. He kicked the door open with his face all red. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOI--" He cuts himself and looked at the two, while they looked at Goldie confused. "Oh, Good morning, Goldie! We were just putting this pillow on its pillowcase. It's done now!" Bonnie explains, holding a pillow. 

"O-Oh..Uh..Sorry..about that ehehe..." Goldie scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. Freddy noticed that Goldie's face was red. "Hey bro, Why is your face all red? Got a fever or something?" Freddy asked confused. "..I-IM FINE!! I WAS DEFINITELY NOT THINKING THAT YOU TWO WERE DOING SOMETHING INAPPROPRIATE!!" Goldie explains really fast, blushing really hard. "What??"  The two didn't understand anything what Goldie said. 

"..N-Nevermind!! Breakfast is ready, come down and eat!!" He says and runs away quickly. 

Goldie didn't get good sleep and good dreams ever since. 

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