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Freddy woke up with a deep gasp and tears streaming down his face. He remembered the dream he had and started to cry. "I..It was all a dream....It was all just a dream.." He says with his voice shaking. He tried to calm down but he couldn't get the thought out of his head. 

Then his mind went blank and heard a voice. 

'...It was all your fault...'

He panicked and quickly took his phone. His hands were trembling from fear, but he got to dial Bonnie's phone anyway. While crying, he hoped that Bonnie would pick up. "Please...P-pick up.." He mumbled under his trembling breath. 

"...Freddy..It's 3 in the morni--" He cut himself off. Freddy was relieved to hear his voice but still couldn't handle the thought of the dream. "..Bonnie! haha...." Freddy sniffed and wiped off his tears in his eyes. 

"....Are you okay? You sound like you're crying...." Bonnie asked, worried for Freddy. "...Can you come over?..I..I had a nightmare.." 

"Pff- What? You want me to come over at 3 in the morning just because of a nightmare you had?" Bonnie teased, followed by a giggle. "..Please?.." Freddy pleads.

"...Usually, you just sleep these off...Fine..But expect me to sleep there with you." Bonnie explains and puts the phone down. Freddy sighs in relief. 

"He's okay.."


Freddy hears 3 knocks on his door, He dashes downstairs and quickly opens the door. Once he saw Bonnie's face, he teared up and hugged him tightly. "H-Hey...Was your nightmare that bad?" Bonnie teased as Freddy giggled a bit. 

Freddy pulled away and let Bonnie inside before closing the door. Bonnie yawns and heads upstairs with Freddy. "This nightmare better be scary.." Bonnie says and yawns again. "hehe...I'm sorry I had to make you come all the way to my house..." Freddy apologizes. 

Bonnie opens Freddy's room and came inside followed by Freddy. They both sat down on the floor and looked at each other. "Now tell me about this nightmare." Bonnie says, prepared to listen. "Well..In my dream..I met a fox friend. He was so fun to play with, and made me happy every day." 

"Nothing is bad about that right? Also ouch, I'm replaced..." Bonnie teased as Freddy started to tear up, not knowing it was a joke.

"A-ah..It was a joke! I'm joking haha!" Bonnie cheers and wipes off the tears in the corner of Freddy's eyes. He couldn't hear what Bonnie was saying, but all he could hear was voices inside his head.

'you we're too late.'

'you forgot about him.'

'It was your fault.'

"I-It was my fault..I'm so sorry..Ever since I've been hanging out with that fox, I've been leaving Bonnie alone. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't ran away like that..If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be lonely... If it weren't for me, he didn't die. I'm so sorry Bonnie. It was my fault...It was all my fault.." Freddy started crying with his hands on his ears. Endless tears fall on the floor as Bonnie watches him, speechless. Freddy kept repeating it was his fault, when none of it was not even real. 

"Freddy! Freddy!" Bonnie calls out, But Freddy couldn't hear him. He called out louder but it still didn't reach Freddy. "FREDDY!" Bonnie called out loudly, holding Freddy's trembling hands. Freddy looked up and saw Bonnie. "I-In my dream, you died..and it was all my fault." Freddy says for the last time before Bonnie slapped him hard enough to snap out of it. 

"FREDDY LOOK AT ME! I'M OKAY!! IT WAS ALL JUST A NIGHTMARE!!" Bonnie shouted and hugged Freddy. "I won't run away and I won't die. It was all just a bad dream.." Bonnie tells Freddy in a calming voice. "Calm down.. Calm down.. I'm here.." Bonnie tries to calm Freddy down while gently rubbing the back of his head. 

Freddy was breathing heavily, crying endless tears with all those voices screaming at his ears. But with what Bonnie has done to him right now, made him calm down. He started to breathe normally, his tears stop streaming down his cheeks, and all those voices were replaced by Bonnie's voice. He hugged Bonnie back tightly, not planning to let go. 

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this.." Freddy apologized and sniffed. "It's okay..I'm here for you.." Bonnie tells him. Freddy was so tired, and felt so warm with their hug. 

Bonnie pulled away and wipes off the tears in Freddy's eyes. "Let's sleep now. I promise you that you won't have any nightmares this time." Bonnie smiled at Freddy and Freddy gives back a small smile. They both stood up and walked to Freddy's bed. "They laid down and hugged each other again for comfort and warmth. 

"Hey Bon.. Thanks for comforting me." Freddy says and Bonnie giggled a bit. "That's what Friends are for! You don't need to thank me for that." Bonnie said smiling as Freddy smiles too.

"I also got something to say before we sleep.." Bonnie says. "Hm? What is it?" Freddy asked.

"..Thank you for remembering me." 


aaaa no art again ;; Sorry 

y'all might need to get used to it since school is going to start soon ): 

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