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Foxy, Chica, and Freddy were at Bonnie's house in the middle of the night. They came over to play a drinking game, but Bonnie doesn't want to join in since he was playing something in his laptop. "Bonnie, come on! We're going to start the game now!" Chica calls, setting up the game. 

"I'm quite busy! Y'all go on ahead and play." Bonnie answers, and continues to what he was doing earlier. Foxy was carrying four drinking glasses to the table. "Come on! It'll be fun!" He said, placing the glasses down.

"No thanks! Also I'm bad at drinking!" Bonnie explains, and puts the volume up on his laptop. Freddy was just sitting on the couch, thinking about something. "Freddy, Try to make Bonnie play with us. Maybe you'll have better luck than us!" Chica tells him and takes a seat on the table.

Freddy blushed a little bit. "..Fine." Freddy sighs and goes up to Bonnie's room. Luckily his room wasn't locked. He found Bonnie wrapped in his blanket while reading something in his laptop. He saw that he was blushing while reading something. Bonnie noticed Freddy and immediately closed the laptop, and blushed a lot in embarrassment. 

"O-Oh! H-hello there! Can you please knock next time?" Bonnie calmed down by taking a deep breath. "Sorry! I uh... wanted you to come play with us downstairs!" Freddy told him with a small smile. "I'll pass, But than--" He got startled because Freddy took away the laptop. "What're you reading anyway? You looked pretty interested in it..." Freddy slowly opens the laptop. Bonnie panicked and tried to take it away from him, but Freddy pulled it away. 

"If you want your laptop back, You will need to come play with us downstairs! hehehe.. Do we have a deal..?" Freddy told while looking at him with a grin on his face. Bonnie thought for a moment. "...No."

"Okay then!" Freddy started to slowly open the laptop again. Bonnie panicked again and sweats bullets. "OKAY, OKAY FINE!! I'll play the game... Just don't look at what's inside.." Bonnie sighed and Freddy giggled a bit, giving Bonnie back his laptop. "It makes me curious though, What ARE you reading?" Freddy asked while they climb downstairs. 

"...I-It's just a visual novel. Nothing really interesting, hehe.." Bonnie laughed nervously as they reach the table. "Yay! Bonnie's here to play with us!" Chica claps happily. She was seated beside Foxy, who was thinking about something. Bonnie and Freddy sat in front of them. "What are we even playing?" Bonnie asks, scratching his head. 

"We're playing a drinking game called Never have I ever. So here is how it goes, The first player says a simple statement starting with 'Never have I ever'. Anyone who at some point in their lives has done the action that the first player says, must drink." Chica explains, The rest seem to understand the game. "Okay I'll go first!" Chica raises a hand and thinks of something quick.

"Hm...Never have I ever tricked someone." Bonnie glared at Freddy. "Yeah, yeah..Damn, Karma hits fast.. Good thing I don't get drunk easily." Freddy says and drinks a shot. It was Foxy's turn and he was still thinking. ".....Never have I ever...ate 3 whole boxes of pizza." 

"Goddamn it Foxy, That was for me!" Chica glared at Foxy as He pulled out his tongue at her with a grin on his face. Chica drank and it was Freddy's turn. "Hm...." He thinks and looks at Bonnie with a finger scratching his chin. Bonnie noticed him look. "...What?"

"Never have I ever read a Visual novel." Bonnie gasped and glared at him. "Oh, I'll get you back...You'll see.." Bonnie says and drank a shot. It was Bonnie's turn and he couldn't think of anything to get Freddy back. He sighed in defeat and just said something random. "Never have I ever hated someone." 

...No one drank. "...I suck at this" Bonnie whined as the others laughed at him. 

"Too bad! Hm...Never have I ever...Liked someone in this room." Freddy and Foxy got startled. Freddy looked at Bonnie which looked nervous for some reason. Freddy got disappointed, thinking he had no chance. Foxy on the other hand, looked kinda sad when he looked at Chica. The bear and the fox drank a shot and it was Foxy's turn. "...I got nothing...Never have I ever loved someone in this room." Foxy says followed by a sigh. "You know you technically just wasted your turn since you just--" Chica got cut off when everyone saw Bonnie drink a shot quickly. 

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