The Lost One- present day

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Alec De Luca watched whilst his brother poured him a smooth glass of wine, admiring how the the silky liquor swirled from the neck of the bottle to the bowl of the crystal glass. He had always adored the taste of the velvety substance.

"You thirsty, Alec?" Mateo smirked, handing over the the goblet of red.

"Indeed I am, brother," he smiled. "After all, it has been a long and eventful year."

The last line lingered in his mind. It had certainly been long, but eventful? That was perhaps venturing too far.

"At least we can finally put our minds at ease now that we are free from the suspicion of the town. We can rest easy tonight."

Alec admired his brother for that. He could never quite master it himself but Mateo's continually positive outlook on life -well, not exactly 'life'- always left Alec dumfounded. After everything his younger brother had been through, he thought that surely it would have broken him by now. But here he was, alive. (If you could call a vampire 'alive')

The two sat there, Alec on a leather couch and Mateo on the armchair, in the oversized library that had become their house. The building was old, rustic looking with thousands upon thousands of books spilling out from every wooden shelf with stories of ancient tales, myths, curses. The majority, they had come to learn, held stories fabricated from the imagination. Tales that had been whispered through villages, told through the bitter nights. Only some of them ceased to be true.

Vampires, witches, wolves, hybrids. All of them were real. The brothers hadn't just heard about them, they had lived with them. They were even one of them.

Alec watched the orange tinge of the flames as they flickered about under the grand fireplace. The fire seemed oddly shrunken beneath the glorified oak. Nevertheless, he closed his eyes and let himself soak in the silence that was inevitably, peace.

That peace, he realised, would soon be shattered.

Mateo practically jumped at the sound of the door crashing open. He swiftly darted to the hallway, Alec close behind, and stared, perplexed, at the figure before him.

All was still.

The figure, that of a female build, stood paralysed as long, dark locks blew across her face. She stood on the door step amongst the blustering storm that raged outside; the strong winds would have knocked any human off of their feet. This girl wasn't human.

Alec's eyes flickered to his static brother before returning back to the girl. Something about her stance seemed familiar. He squinted, not quite sure as to whether his mind was fooling him, but to his dismay, he recognised the one part of her face that no person could ever forget.

Through the mass of midnight hair blowing across her face, Alec saw the flicker of gold as she blinked and he knew his brother had seen it too.

"Kali?" Mateo whispered in a strangled voice.

Suddenly another gust of wind blew open the side door and a second figure blurred to a halt.

Alec stared at the second girl, her vivid, blue eyes gazing straight back at him.

"Liliana?" he whispered.

The brothers looked between the two girls, their faces crumpling up in confusion. Something was missing, someONE was missing.

Alec exchanged a concerned glance with Mateo before facing the two intruders. "Where's Clo?"

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