The Plan- present day

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"She must have run away for a reason..." Mateo contemplated, leaning forwards and resting his elbows on his knees.
The four of them had been sat conjuring up various scenarios for the past hour yet none of them seemed to ring true.
"Maybe she was attacked?" Questioned Kali, matching Mateo's complexed gaze. "I mean, she's quite good at running from danger."

Alec rolled his eyes in frustration. "As if that's true. She's not as strong as you think."

"She's my sister," Kali parried. "I think I know her better than you."

"Well she didn't come to you for help when she was in danger tha-"

"Enough!" Warned Mateo, glaring at his brother. "Kali knows what she's on about. Clotilde is too strong to have been captured."

"Not if she's under some crazy voodoo spell by Mr Physico Witch!" He retorted sarcastically, a pained expression in his eyes over their stupidity.

"Alec's right," Liliana spoke from the other corner of the room. She had been quiet up until now, trying to piece the pieces together in her head as the others rambled on and argued. "You said it yourself, Kali, she wasn't herself."

Quietness settled around the room as the four of them stopped still, their minds jumping erratically between possible scenarios or solutions. Alec stood in the centre with a stiff posture, his bright eyes darting about busily as his mind forged up dangerous images whilst Kali sat on one of the maroon leather sofas, her elbows resting on her knees as she stared hard at the oak coffee table. She wore the same frown as Mateo, both of them rubbing their temples in concentration. Liliana, facing Mateo, leant gently against the panelled wall, her head titled upwards as if she were looking up to the heavens for answers. Her mind felt weak from exhaustion.

Alec, the first to break out of his trance, looked up to address the three, a quizzical look on his face. "Why can't we just use a locator spell?"

Mateo's forehead smoothed out in relief. "Yes. That way we can at least get a rough idea of where she is."

"That can't happen." Interjected Kali, suddenly.

"What do you mean that can't happen?" Spoke an exasperated Alec. "Sure it can. Give a witch one of Clotilde's personal belongings and bibbity-bobbity-boo we find your sister! What's so hard about that?"

Liliana's eyes locked with Kali's, her face white.

"If there's something your not telling us," Mateo spoke. "I'd say it now because we're not going to get anything sorted if we keep secrets from each other."

"Yeah, no porkies." Reiterated Alec, slumping down onto one of the leather chairs.

Kali let out a long breath, steadying her mind. She realised that if she really wanted Clotilde to be found, she would have to be open and honest about everything. "They won't help us, the witches I mean. We tried as soon as she went missing but they refused to help. Something about us being dangerous to them."

"Dangerous?" Retorted Alec.

"Yes, dangerous." Kali sighed, smoothing her hands along her jeans before continuing. "So we tried another and they too refused. We've been everywhere and every time they've said the same thing."

Mateo's head tilted towards Kali's. "And that is?"

"That as long as we wear the symbol we are a threat to all that live."

"A threat? You three?" Alec scoffed. "Annoying maybe but not a threat!"

"Enough of the sarcasm, Alec." Mateo warned, returning his focus to the girls. "And by the symbol they mean...?"

"The Trinity Symbol." Liliana spoke, gradually moving towards the sofa. "It's the mark we were born with."

"Huh, how strange."

"I know, it's just a mark. I don't know why they get so worked up about it."

Mateo's frown turned hard and he brought his hand up to his chin, cupping it in thought. "How about me and Alec go seek out a witch instead? Maybe they'll listen to us."

"Ding ding, we have a winner!" Interjected Alec, flashing his hands out in mock surprise. "Now you two can both cosy up in here whilst big Stef and I go on a little expedition to find the missing piece to your precious Trinity trio."

"That seems like an alright plan." Said Mateo, sighing with relief at finally finding a conclusion. He stood up and walked over to his brother. "Right, let's go talk to that witch down on Elfin Street. Maybe she can give us some answers."

"Wait!" Liliana called, causing both brothers to turn back to her.

"Not now, Sunshine, we have a redhead to catch."

"No," she paused, stepping closer to Alec. "You need one of her personal belongings for the spell to work. Here." Liliana opened her hand to reveal a silvered locket resting in her palm. "Take this."

Alec's eyes searched Liliana's before giving her a silent nod and taking the locket from her outstretched hand. "We'll be back soon."

In a blurred swirl, the two brothers disappeared into thin air, leaving the front door open behind them.

"We better hope this works." Spoke Kali, staring into the fireplace.

"It has to," whispered Liliana. "It's our last hope."

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