Clotilde- present day

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"She's missing." The blonde girl, Liliana, stated bluntly. Her hair fell past her shoulders and down her back in golden strands.
The four of them, both brothers and the two new girls, sat together with their newly poured cups of coffee, surrounding the oak table that stood central within the cluster of couches.

"What do you mean she's missing?" Alec spoke with considerable caution in his tone.

"I'm saying she's gone and we can't find her."

"Perhaps she doesn't want to be found." Answered Mateo, contemplating the solution in his head as he furrowed his thick brow. "I mean, this is like the third time now that she's disappeared."

"Doesn't want to be found?" Scoffed Alec, abruptly bringing his coffee down onto the table. "Since when has Clotilde been a Lone Ranger?"

"Alec's right. Although we've had our disputes, Clotilde has never been too far away from us. She would never properly leave without informing someone first."

"When was the last time you saw her?" Mateo spoke up, his forehead still etched with wrinkles through his frown.

The other girl, Kali, who had seemed quite distant during the conversation, spoke up. "It's been around three months now."

"Three months?!" Alec glared back at Kali accusingly. "How has it taken you three months to figure out that she's missing?"

Kali's eyes narrowed as she matched Alec's glare. "We'd left on bad terms." She parried.

"Yeah, that doesn't mean you go and ignore her for three months!"

"It does if she tried to kill you!"

Silence hung awkwardly in the air as the two brothers soaked up this controversial information.

"Why did she try and kill you?" Questioned Mateo, his brow burrowing deeper in confusion.

Kali, suddenly at a loss for words, flickered her golden eyes over to her sister. Liliana shifted her weight uncomfortably before speaking.

"She had been talking with a witch." Liliana glanced back at Kali who gave her an understanding and somewhat sympathetic nod for her to continue. "This witch, he wasn't normal. At first it wasn't noticeable but eventually I could tell that Clotilde wasn't acting herself anymore."

"What do you mean not herself?" Alec interjected.

"Let her finish, Alec." Mateo reasoned, before urging Liliana to go further.

"Well, she was acting strange. She would often come out with odd phrases like 'magic is a sacred source' or 'Trinity Trinity, only two of the Trinity'. It just, it wasn't making any sense." Liliana paused to take a deep breath. "So I decided to question her one night after she'd fed but suddenly it was as if she wasn't there."

"Wasn't there?!"

"Alec!" Mateo scolded.

"Anyway, as I was saying. When she turned around there was this glassy look in her eyes as if no one could reach her and when I asked her if she was alright she suddenly lashed out at us both. It was strange."

Kali waited for Mateo and Alec to digest the information before continuing on from her sister's story.

"The next evening we had both decided that it would be best to give her a sedative and then confine her in one of our cellars. That way we could keep an eye out for any more unfamiliar behaviour patterns." Kali shook her head as she told the next bit. "But when we tried to inject her with verveine, she shot a wooden dagger at my heart."

Mateo's eyes grew wide and he begun to watch Kali as she spoke for any physical signs of pain.

"I'm ok," Kali said, answering to Alec's inquisitive stare. "She missed, ever so slightly that is. Luckily, the steak only grazed my heart. It hurt but I wasn't dead."

"Is that it?" Questioned Alec, desperate for more insight.

"She just kept repeating the same phrase over and over again."

"The Trinity is my duty." Liliana whispered. "That's what she kept saying. The Trinity is my duty. What could that even mean?"

Mateo and Alec both fell silent, their minds full of different ideas, reasons and solutions that couldn't quite piece together for a final conclusion.

"What happened after that?" Alec asked, his eyes watching the flames dance within the fireplace.

"She ran." Kali answered, her eyes gazing off in the same direction.

"And why are you telling us this?" Alec muttered, seemingly bitter about the situation.

"We need your help." Kali replied matter-of-factly, her attention returning to the brothers. "We were hoping you would be able to help us track her down and get her out of whatever danger she's in this time."

Mateo's shoulders loosened and he gave Kali a reassuring smile before slumping back into the couch. "I'm happy to help. After all, I know how precious she is to you regardless of how reckless she is."

"Thank you," Kali smiled.

"And you?" Liliana looked over at Alec with a hopeful ring in her voice. "Will you help us find Clotilde?"

"Me?" Alec retorted, turning his attention back to the girls. "No."

"Why not?!" Kali protested. She stood up, anger boiling in her face, and moved closer to Alec.

"Maybe because I'm tired of getting her out of trouble?" He stood up, matching Kali's height.

Kali stepped back and rested her hand on her sister's shoulder. "I should have remembered," she laughed dryly. "You only help yourself."

Calmly, Mateo rose from his seat and placed his arm in front of Alec before he did something stupid. "He has made his decision, Kali. Let's leave it at that."

"I thought you would have changed your ways by now, Alec." Kali spoke, mock pity in her voice. "At least you did the right thing by leaving Liliana. I always knew you were bad for her."

Alec's shoulders stiffened at the harsh comment and he looked down at Liliana. She sat there, her eyes cast away onto the distant ground, blocking out the conversation but Alec knew Kali was right. He had always been bad for her.

"It's a good job I never even loved her anyway."

His words, he knew they would sting. But it was the only way for her to truly let go of the times they had spent together. She had to think it didn't matter to him.

"Alec..." Mateo warned.

"I know, brother. Don't worry. I won't interrupt your little search party." He grinned back at the group dryly before adding. "I'm off up to my room now so be wise and don't try to follow me."

Mateo watched as his brother exited from the room, knowing that sooner or later he would have to help them find the girl. After all, they had shared a very special relationship.

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