Chapter Two *REWRITTEN*

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Through the perfect drawn out lashes, his pupils dilated in the dim night under the sea of stars. His fists rested at his sides as he took me in sitting, waiting for him just like he wanted. The muscles on his biceps twitched with every held emotion he was probably feeling.

Billy was pissed.

And it looked hot on him.

But that wasn't the point here. Evidently something happened at his home. We'd been doing this since that first night I found him waiting for me, that was nearly two and a half months ago. Our friendship out here was reserved to this place only. Eventually he found comfort on the rooftop just like I did. Sometimes we didn't say anything because we had nothing to talk about, and other nights we talked about everything. However, tonight I wasn't sure which way it would go.

He was incredibly vexed. I didn't know if he wanted to talk about it. Yet here he was sitting next to me in thigh length shorts and a shirt cut off from the sleeves exposing parts of his torso. I tried my best not to look and focus on the issue at hand; Billy's troubles.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked carefully, and softly.

He stayed looking at the view of Hawkins without saying anything yet. For a moment I thought he wasn't, but then he made an attempt to speak. He cleared his throat.

"I keep getting blamed for Max's bullshit." Billy started. "They leave me to babysit her. I tell her she has to stay put because I'm in charge and what I say goes because I'm older—and she goes off to her friends anyway, knowing that I—"

That he gets the punch.

"Neil starts bitching, and Susan doesn't say anything to him because she's already scared of him. He can't do anything to her or Max, so he settles the score with me." He continued, looking down at the cigarette he had pulled out from his pocket. Not lighting it yet. "But as soon as I'm 18...I'm out of there. He'll have no one to blame."

"You think that's the solution?" I inquired.

"Talking to him isn't either," he shook his head, "with me gone he'll have no one to blame."

"He'll have Susan to blame, and Max." I voiced my inner thoughts.

"Fine by me." Billy found the lighter and flickered the stick to life. "They'll have to deal with him."

"Billy..." I said quietly, "they don't know what they got themselves into. I don't think anyone deserves to deal with your dad. I don't think you deserve it either, but can they really handle him on their own if you're gone?"

"Won't be my problem, Emerson." He flicked the stick lightly before placing it between his lips.

"I don't know, there must be a way for you and them to not deal with everything he puts on you..." I shrugged.

Every Breath You Take |Billy Hargrove| *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now