Chapter Eight *REWRITTEN*

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*Edited 10/01/23*

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*Edited 10/01/23*


"What's wrong?" Nancy asked me as I waited by her boyfriend's car.

I had been way deep into my head about Billy's unnecessary revelation. Stacy had left her panties in his car without his knowing. I mean, I'm not surprised. That girl is known for doing odd stuff to get attention from guys.

I believed he had no idea, but Billy also had an alarming reputation that labeled him as a heartbreaker. It wasn't my business anyway which is why I didn't understand why he'd tell me. Quite frankly I didn't care either. I shouldn't.

"Hm?" I detached from my overthinking mind. "Everything's okay. Just stressed about tryouts."

Which wasn't a complete lie.

"You sure?" She placed a hand on my arm.

"Yes, Nance." I mustered a convincing smile.

"Let's go." Jonathan announced as he reached his car in a hurry and opened the back door tossing his things.

I looked back at Billy leaning against his camaro. He wasn't alone. Stacy was hanging to his left. Typical. They were most likely waiting for Max. And when she appeared, Billy disposed of his cigarette and turned around to open his door just then his eyes met mine.

My scrutiny caught him off guard slightly. There was a subtle glint in his eyes reminding me that not all things look like they seem. Sure, he probably told the truth about Stacy's embedded panties. However, it was no secret Billy Hargrove and Stacy Cooper were committed to other extracurriculars outside of school. I just hoped he keeps his curtains drawn for my sake.

I slipped in the backseat emitting a loud huff. As much as I believed Billy, it was stuff like this that proved otherwise. Regardless it wasn't my place to doubt. Jonathan questionably glanced at me through the rear view mirror. I tried to express the same smile I had given Nancy earlier yet somehow the action quivered my corners. Not entirely convinced he started the car anyway and carefully pulled out of the school's parking lot.

My doubt slowly dissolved and curiosity settled as I spotted a video camera under Nancy's seat. I quickly reached for it to ask Jonathan about it. But when I looked up he was trying to calm Nancy down. She went on about some ass-hat teacher that refused to round her grade. Like she needed more rounding up. She was already an exemplary student.

"Jonathan, how do you—" I inspected the buttons, accidentally turning it on. "Never mind."

But they didn't hear me. Through the music and Nancy's rant, I was drowned out in the back. Not that it bothered me. I was too enthralled with the device to notice they had stopped and were now humming to the song playing on the stereo. I finally got the camera rolling, filming their small moment of corny romance.

Every Breath You Take |Billy Hargrove| *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now