Arc 1:10 Daisy Hill

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In a big, luxury hospital room, sat a young woman. She was wearing a white gown, and her skin was pale. Her inky long hair was cut to shoulder length. Her face has lost its color.

The big TV-screen showed Lovise Gamino.

"How are you doing, Isy?"

Daisy smiled at her best friend. She was truly her true friend. She was there for her when she needed her most.

"Better", she replied. Lovise smiled and tried to hide her tears.

"That's good...very good."

Lovise sniffled and turned away from her phone. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She quickly dried her tears and faced her phone again. She let out a fake chuckle.

"Ah...I'm sorry for getting for emotional...when are you coming home?"


It was a foreign word to Daisy. She never had a place to call home. Not even in her real life. Her parents were forced to marry each other by their families, and thus they didn't love each other. It hurted to know that Ailee Wolfhart was not made because of love. She existed due to her parents needed a heir, a heir to take over the family business.

"In five days...", Daisy answered. Lovise's face lit up.

"Great! Should I pick you up at Minak airport?"

Daisy answered, "No it's okay...Gale's gonna pick me up."

"Oh...yeah your brother...I don't like him."

Daisy raised her brow in amusement, "Why not?" Lovise scoffed.

"He's stealing you away from me...he's stealing your attention away..."

She chuckled at her friend's jealousy, "Don't be silly. I'm all yours."

"Ha! You finally smiled!"

Daisy laughed. After some minutes she began to cough. She clutched her chest, and her hand covered her mouth.

"My God! Are you okay?!"

Daisy's hand shook as she saw blood on it.

"Yes, it's okay", she replied. Lovise looked heartbroken at her best friend. If only she could take her place...then she wouldn't hesitate. She would replace her because she knew Daisy would do the same.

"I have to go. The doctors are gonna check on me soon."

Lovise hesitated a little before she asked, "Have you contacted Louis?"

Daisy froze, and tried to stop her hand from shaking. She gulped a few times before answering, " and I hope you haven't told him anything."

"You can relax. I haven't told it to a soul. My mouth is zipped."

Daisy nodded, "Good...and thank you."

"Everything for you. Love you."

"Love you too", then the line was cut off.

Daisy sighed and arose from the hospital bed. She led herself to the bathroom. Once she was inside, she washed her hands. She could see blood, and it made her sick.

Everything's gonna be okay. It's not like it never happened before...

Daisy looked at her own reflection through the mirror. Despite being pale and sick, she looked delicate. She looked weak like a flower. A flower that needed care and love to grow and shine.

She mentally cursed Plum in her mind. She didn't know that Daisy Hill would get cancer, like her mother... It was after all genetic.


Louis Gamino changed drastically since Daisy Hill disappeared like she never existed in this world. He changed from being funny and easy-going to cold and workaholic. He was worse than Gale Hill. In these two years he had completed many missions, more than you can imagine.

While Louis was busy with his work and searching for Daisy, Amanda Qi and Gale Hill developed their relationship in these two years. After all the male lead and female lead belonged to each other.

"Can you stop staring at that picture?" Amanda Qi asked Louis, more like demanded him. She was tired of Louis Gamino watching that stupid picture for hours. He didn't let anyone see what the picture actually was, but she suspected it was of his ex. The girl who broke his heart.

Amanda Qi couldn't understand why Louis Gamino was so broken that he could never get over his ex. She really wanted to know who this person was.

"Never", Louis Gamino replied shortly as he looked lovingly and sadly at the picture. It was of Daisy and him on Valentine's day. He surprised her by taking her to Paris. The picture was taken at the Eiffel tower. She wore a big smile while he kissed her cheek as he hugged her small waist.

He never blamed her for leaving although he was angry, but after all he couldn't stay angry at the person he truly loves.

Amanda Qi dramatically sighed and was about to snatch the picture out of his hand, but before she could do that, he grabbed her wrist.

His glare sent shivers down her spine, "Never disturb me when I want to be alone and never snatch anything from me. I mean it!"

Amanda Qi rolled her eyes, "Chill, it's not the end of the world."

Louis Gamino darkened his eyes, "You don't wanna see me angry, believe it or not!"

She secretly gulped. She has never seen him acting like this before, especially to her. What was so unique with his ex?

She changed the topic, "Gale and his sister came home from the airport for twenty minutes ago. I'm gonna visit them. Wanna come?"

Louis was confused, "Gale has a sister?"

Amanda wanted to smack his face, but resisted, "You are his best friend. How can you not know?"

Louis Gamino stayed silent and pursed his lips into a line. This Gale Hill had some explaining to do.

Hipp hipp hurra!

Det er 17. mai ( It's May 17 )

Gratulerer med dagen og god 17. mai :)


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