Arc 2:2 Laleh Darling

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The Choice Day is one of the most important moment in your life. It's the choice that decides how you live the rest of your life. There are four sections you can choose: Pilot, ProMer, Technology and Education. Pilot section is the military force Country Diamond has, and their job is to protect the country. The same goes for the Technology section, but their job is to improve the technology and protect the country's database. The ProMer section is responsible for food, health care and production daily and necessary stuff. The name ProMer stands for Producer and Farmer. At last, the Education section is responsible for taking care of the inhabitants education, and making sure that all of the Diamond's kids are on the right path.

You get to choose twice in your life if you regret your first choice. The Choice Day is always hosted by one of the Lahey's, and this year it is hosts by Zachary Lahey. He is the descendant of Tamon Lahey who founded the Lahey Empire and took technology to another level. It was all thanks to Tamon Lahey who lived several billions years ago that the people from Earth immigrated to Planet X before the Earth exploded. Tamon Lahey called the new planet for X, because it was an unknown planet. The Lahey's are always respected and they are usually very clever and has the ability to be a pilot. No one has never heard of a Lahey who wasn't a pilot.

The genes of humans have changed drastically over the years they lived in Planet X. The food they ate were different. The water they drank were different from Earth, and the nature was also different. All of this led the humans to develop their genes to a whole new level. A whole new generation was birthed.

Zachary Lahey looks down at the seated people. The other leaders and he were sitting on their seats in front of the teenagers. The sun is shining brightly and it's extremely hot today. The blue sky has never been so clear before. He is the leader of Pilot section, Mrs. Kim is the leader of Technology section, Mr. Holland is the leader of ProMer section and Mrs. Fisherman is the leader of Education section.

"Joanne Darling", Zachary says into the microphone. A pretty girl stands up from her seat and heads towards the stage. She nervously walks up the stairs as she feels everyone is staring at her. She is wearing a nude dress and her light blonde hair reaches under her shoulder.

Joanne Darling put her hand over her heart and bows slightly down. Everyone must do this to show respect towards the leaders.

"Birthmark, strength, memory and your choice", Zachary Lahey states as the other leaders write on the transparent keyboard. Joanne Darling's picture and information shows on the big screen in the air.

"Diamond behind right ear, strong mental, 95 out of 100 points and pilot", Joanne Darling bravely answers. Murmurs can be heard from the audience. If you choose the Pilot section then it is very likely that you will fail. Only a few passes as a pilot.

"Very well. Go to the Pilot section", Zachary Lahey says and glances at her before looking down at the X-pad. He taps on something as Joanne Darling walks to the pilot section.

"Laleh Darling."

A tall, beautiful girl stands up from her seats and follows the same direction Joanne went. Her dirty-blonde hair is in a tight ponytail. She is wearing a shoulder-off pastel dress, showing her tan shoulders.

Her heels are clicking on the floor as she walks in front of the leaders. She holds her head high and bows slightly as she places her hand over her heart. Her gaze immediately meets Zachary Lahey's intense green eyes. He has thick,silky brown hair and fair skin. Then Laleh Darling moves her gaze to the other leaders. Her face shows anything but nervousness. She stands there confidently and stares at them like no others had before.

The corner of Zachary Lahey's mouth slightly tugs upwards as he secretly rubs the black ring on his middle finger. This girl looks almost the same as the previous one, but he can't help feeling that she is different from Joanne Darling. He can tell them apart from their looks and personality at one glance. Joanne Darling was nervous and pretended to be confident while this girl is not nervous at all.

"Birthmark, strength, memory and your choice", Zachary Lahey repeats the same statement again. He notices her hazel eyes sparks before it disappears.

The sun is shining brightly on Laleh Darling, making her tan skin glowing and giving a vibe of warmth. She licks her baby pink lips before answering, "Diamond behind the left ear, strong physics, 98 out of 100 points and pilot."

The audience make noise as they hear her choosing the Pilot section. Only seven people had chosen the Pilot section. Zachary Lahey stops touching the ring and glances at the air screen. Her picture and information shows on the screen.

Name: Laleh Darling.

Siblings: Joanne Darling.

Strength: Strong physics

Height: 5'9 feet

Birthmark: Diamond behind left ear

Hobby: Sleeping and eating

Zachary Lahey slightly smirks when he reads the last line. This girl...

"Very well and welcome to the Pilot section", he says and taps something on the X-pad. Laleh raises a brow before marching towards the section.

The other leaders weirdly glance at Lahey and make eye-contact with each other. This was the first time Zachary Lahey had personally welcomed someone to his section.

Hours past by as the sections grow. Laleh Darling listens to Joanne Darling lowly speaking about everything as she observes the people around her. There are many people in the other sections, but there are only fifty people in the Pilot section.

When the last person is done, the leaders pace towards their section. Zachary Lahey is now standing in front of the newcomers.

"I'm Zachary Lahey, your leader. The choice you made today was courageous and I hope you don't regret your decision. To become a pilot takes a lot of time and strength. There will be good days and bad days. As long as you don't give up, you can be a pilot. For your information, it doesn't necessary need to be a pilot. Remember that there are many title and position in the Pilot section that are equally important", he gives them a speech as his eyes wander off to a certain girl. His eyes narrows slightly when he notices that Laleh Darling's focus is on her nails and not him. 

New part today YAYY!

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