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Kevin is waiting for them outside the tunnel and they all run together towards his pick-up truck. Veronica sits in the front seat, besides Kevin, and Cheryl won't let go of Toni's hand so she's in the backseat with her, head on Toni's shoulder breathing her in because this is real. This is real and she's not daydreaming about it in the middle of lunch, or something, this is real.

"I can't believe we did that." Veronica's saying, voice airy from having run in heels and a tight bodysuit.

"I can't believe you did it either." Kevin replies, smile wide. Cheryl can see how bright his eyes are from the rearview mirror, innocent and pure, in a way.

"Thank you guys, for everything, seriously." Toni speaks up now, moving her head a little to press a soft kiss on Cheryl's forehead. She lingers there for a second, inhaling, and Cheryl closes her eyes.

Kevin looks at the rear view mirror, finds Toni murmuring something to Cheryl. He looks away, feeling as if he's invading their privacy, looking at something not meant for his eyes. He clears his throat. "You're staying over at my house, right?"

"If that's still okay," Toni looks towards the front, sighing, "I'm never gonna let Cheryl be alone again. If we ever go back to her mother's house I'm taking all of the Serpents and I'm burning the whole house down with her still in it."

Cheryl raises her eyebrows.

"I've tried that already." She murmurs a second later — and. It's true. She was young and making a fire and she almost burned down the house but it's funny, nonetheless.

It's a funny statement but no one really knows if they should laugh or not. Toni snorts anyway and then Veronica is laughing and Kevin is giggling, too, and this is when Cheryl realizes everything will be okay in the end.

Kevin leads them upstairs and towards his room, proudly showing off posters and board games and his extensive collection of coins from all over the world. It's random but Cheryl appreciates it — appreciates Kevin.

"–and there's the shower, by the way," Kevin opens the door to the pristine bathroom and then smiles at them both, reminding Cheryl of when he was a kid, "I'll be in the guest room downstairs. If you need anything at all, I'm here, yeah?"

He moves towards the door, to leave, but Cheryl stops him with a hand on his arm.

"Thank you, Kevin." She tells him, earnest, expression soft.

Kevin gives her a quick little side hug and then he's making his way out, but not before poking his head into the room and — "Gays gotta stick together, right?"

"You're so stupid." Toni tells him, smiling despite herself.

The door closes softly behind him. Cheryl's standing in the middle of the room, still in that disgusting dress and just a little sweaty from all the running around and the adrenaline and the kiss.

"Toni," Cheryl starts, "I just–"

"Shower first," Toni says from where she's rummaging through the duffel bag she'd brought with her, "and then we'll talk, okay?"

Cheryl lets out a breath, sort of relieved. She's not sure what she was going to say, anyway. There's. There's just so much to say and not enough words to say them with; so many questions still eating her inside.

She nods, accepts the pile of clothes Toni hands her.

"I'll be right out here if you need me."

Sick of losing soulmates (Cheryl Blossom & Toni Topaz)Where stories live. Discover now