chapter 4

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Upstairs in Elena's room

Elena is sitting at her desk doing her homework.

She hears a noise coming from her window. There are three outside of the house that are big enough that you can climb it to get to Elena's room.

Matt climbs through the window and stands up. Elena backs up more to give Matt some space to get into her room

Matt: Hey Elena, I have missed you so much.

Elena: Matt you should leave now or I will scream. I don't love you anymore go find Bekah and be with her I broke up with you remember?


Grayson: I'm going to go cheek on Elena.

Jenna: I'm sure she is fine. 

Grayson walks upstairs to see if Elena is doing her homework. He sees Matt in her room.

Upstairs in Elena's room

Grayson:  Matt get out of my house now before I kill you!

Matt:  I need to ask Elena something. Are you going to the Bonfire tonight?

Elena: Matt leave now you are just making things worse yourself or do I have to call Bekah and tell her you are at my house?

Matt:  I'm leaving have it your way, Elena

Elena: Dad can you take him out of here now, please

Grayson:  let's get you home Matt

Grayson and Matt walk downstairs

Grayson walks back upstairs To Elena's room

Grayson: Elena I'm still letting you go to the bonfire tonight. I know it has been hard for you and you should have some fun.

Elena: Thanks Dad, you are the best dad ever.

Elena walks to her dad and hugs him.

Elena walks back up into her room to find something to wear to the bonfire.

A few minutes later Elena found something to wear she got ready

Elena walks down the stairs

Elena: Is dad home?

Jenna: no he left for work

Elena:  well I need a ride to the bonfire I'm already running late for it

Jenna: alright. 

Elena and Jenna get into the car and make their way to the bonfire

Elena is just on her phone Caroline is texting her asking where are you at?

Elena replies I'm on my way and we'll keep Matt far away from me. Please, he already come to my house today.

Caroline can't promise that I can do that. Why don't you ask Bonnie to help you out with Matt?

Elena ugh fine I'm here where are you

Jenna: What time does this end?

Elena: I will find my ride home. 

Jenna: just  make sure your brother comes home with you then

Elena: got it.

At the Bonfire

Elena finally shows up at the bonfire. 

Elena made her way to where the drinks were at

Elena texts Bonnie to find her so they can go to their hideout spot

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