Chapter 28

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At Elena's house

Elena: Jenna I need help with something

Jenna: Sure what it is.

Elena: I'm gonna throw a birthday party for Stefan. Today is his birthday.

Jenna; do know where you want to do it?

Elena: Here would be an easy place for everyone to get to.

Over text with Tyler

Elena hey Tyler today is Stefan b day I need help can you go to the boarding house and keep him distracted for me please thank you. The party should be ready by eight tonight.

Tyler ok on it where do want me to take him?

Elena I don't know just ask him a question I know you want to be his friend

Tyler fair point. Got it

Elena thanks you

Alaric: Do we need that many decorations?

Elena: not just a few here is the list of what I need

Elana hands Alaric the list of things she needs for the decorations

Jenna: What are you doing for food?

Elena hands Jenna a list of food

Jeremy: Do you need my help with anything?

Elena: yeah I need you to pick up something for me at the boarding house

Jeremy: Where is it?

Elena: should be on the small coffee table by the door. It's in a yellow bag.

Jeremy: anything else?

Elena: When you come back with the bag I need you to help Tyler distract Stefan.

Jeremy: ok

Elena: I will be in the kitchen when you get back with the bag

Jeremy: I'm leaving now to get it.

Elena takes out her phone and calls Lexi

Over the phone with Lexi

Elena hey Lexi today is Stefan b day i was wondering if you could come and surprise him. Yes, your boyfriend can come. We have a party around eight.

Lexi sure but one thing I found Damon and I helped Damon. Damon is not ready to be around you guys yet.

Elena oh ok can't you leave Damon alone for a few hours?

Lexi unfortunately no I can't do that

Elena, ok well you could put Damon in the cellar in the basement of the boarding house.

Lexi cannot do

Elena, if it is that bad then

Lexi yeah I can see if I can get one of my vampire friends to watch Damon for me.

Elena texted me and let me know

End of phone call

There was a knock on the door

Elena: Give me a minute.

she yells to the person at the door

Elena ran and opened the door to see who it was

It was Liz Forbes

Elena: Liz what are you doing here?

Liz: I need to talk to you about what happened yesterday

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