Chapter 21

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At the boarding house

Jeremy: I'm also leaving I'm gonna go cheek up Matt and well Tyler you want to come or no

Tyler:  Matt has gotten me annoyed.   

Caroline: I'm off to get something from Elena's house she might have it here for later down the road. 

Tyler: are talking about the book of all three of your wedding plans you made when were kids 

Caroline: yep I'm dropping it off then I'm back at my house 

Lexi: take the back way. 

Caroline: got it 

At Matt's house

Jeremy walks into Matt's house

Matt: Have you seen Caroline?

Jeremy: no haven't seen her at all

Matt: I need to see her

Jeremy: Sorry I don't know where she is.

Matt: where she is now I need to ask her something

Jeremy: I don't know where she is. How about you tell me what you want to tell and when I find her I will tell her for you.

Matt: I need some help with something.

Jeremy: Like what do you need help with?

Matt: it's trying to get Stefan to hate Elena

Jeremy: Matt I'm not helping you do that because you just want Elena back.

Matt: Fine I do but I'm just lost without her. I have been a mess without her being around me.

at Elena's house 

Caroline rings the doorbell Jenna opens the door 

 Caroline: I'm here to get something for Elena when she is ready for it she has it 

Jenna: it's up in the attic somewhere. we haven't cleaned out the attic yet 

Caroline: alright I have an idea of where it is at

Jenna: I'm off the boarding house 

Caroline: ok 

Caroline let Tyler and Lexi know Jenna is on her way. Caroline got the ladder to the attic down and up into the attic. she found the book she was looking for she also found something else for Elena. She carried the two things down and made her down.

 Alaric hears noises coming from upstairs and goes up there to see what's going on. 

Caroline: hi Alaric I'm here to get something for Elena she is gonna need it later in life. 

Alaric: ok let me guess Jenna went to the boarding house 

Caroline: yep. I told Tyler and the others. 

Alaric: let me go get her. 

Caroline: can you take these with you Tyler will know what to do with them. 

Alaric: sure. 

At Bonnie's house downstairs

Ben: I wish Bonnie could stay here with us and not be with her friends so dang much

Alice: I think it's best to let her be with her friends so she doesn't end up being ani social. Remember the doctors told us there is a higher risk of her becoming anti-social.

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