chapter 15

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The next day at school In the hallway

Elena: Hey Matt I need to talk to you after school at your house. No worries Stefan is not gonna be coming with us. I told him not to worry about me going to your house after school

Matt: Is Stefan cool with it?

Elena: yes he is fine with it

Matt walks away

Elena walked up to Jeremy

Elena: Hey Jer I need you to do something for me.

Jeremy: What is it?

Elena: I need you to let Bonnie In the back door of Matt's house, please

Jeremy: Sure but we have to tell Bonnie to be super quiet tho.

Bonnie walks up to Elena and Jeremy

Elena: You wanna tell her?

Jeremy: When you get to Matt's house I'm gonna let you in the back door. Please be super quiet when I let you in the house.

Bonnie: got it to throw the back door. you have to be extra quiet when you get into the house

Jeremy and Bonnie walk away

Stefan walks up to Elena

Stefan: Are you sure you got this all planned out right? Are you sure you feel ok to do something like this?

Elena: Yes, I will be fine.

After school At Matt's house

Matt: What do you want to talk about Elena?

Elena: How about we talk in your room?

Matt and Elana walk into Matt's room

Elena: Matt so how is having your Kelly back home like

Matt: not good because she is drunk all the time and well she has been sleeping all day. She still smokes as well.

Elena: oh I'm sorry to hear that but why don't you get a job

Matt: yeah you're probably right I should get a job

Elena: It would help if you did get a job. Because then you can pay for the house and all of the bills and things like that.

Matt: where could I get a job at

Elena: The Mystic Grill they are always looking for someone to work there.

Matt: that's a perfect idea

Elena: I need you to get over the fact we are not together anymore.

Elena puts her hands on his head and uses her powers to forget about his feelings for her.

Matt fell back on the bed

Jeremy let Bonnie in the house

Bonnie opens the door to Matt's room

Bonnie: Jeremy calls Stefan now!

Elena: I'm almost done just a few more seconds

Elena fell to the ground

Over the phone between Jeremy and Stefan

Stefan: Is Elena ok?

Jeremy: is she not ok we need you to come now and please hurry

Stefan: ok I'm on my way now

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