Chapter 2

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"W-WHAT!!!" Y/n stared at Yū in shock. "Why would I go and watch your p-practice?! You know I can't talk to anyone except for you and Mom!"

Yuu got down on his knees and grabbed y/n's hands and begged her. "Come on, Nishi, I think it'd be good for you to talk to people!" Noya explained to his twin how the volleyball team is welcoming and that she didn't need to worry.

"I-I don't know, Noya." She back up and sat on the edge of her bed. She really didn't want to be so anxious and shy, she even developed a stutter and sometimes gets panic attacks. There was no rhyme or reason to why she was so introverted. Her family would joke that Noya had all of the energy and outgoing-ness and left Nishi with book smarts and a lack of extroverted-ness.

Yū left his sister and closed the door to her room. He looked at the decoration on it that had "Y/n" crossed out and had "Nishi" written in a child's handwriting. They came up with those nicknames years ago when they were kids. Since they were twins they thought it would be cool if they each had a half of their surname. Nishi got the first part of Nishinoya since she was older by two and a half minutes. Noya got well, got Noya.

Noya smiled and slipped a note with the time of their next practice on it.


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