Chapter 6

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The gym was empty when Nishi went in. She still couldn't believe that she actually managed to even step foot inside. She was looking around to see if anyone was there hoping that Noya would arrive first. Y/n would prefer her brother doing all of the talking.

This, unfortunately for y/n, did not happen.

"Kageyama! Ha, I told you that I'd win!"

"Whatever, dumbass. That just makes us tied overall, 82 to 82."

Y/n immediately started to panic. Twiddling her thumbs didn't seem to work this time, it usually helped when she had to answer a question in class.

This was nothing compared to answering an easy homework question out loud, this was meeting new, especially loud, people.

A second from a panic attack, Noya entered with Tanaka.

"Oh hey, Nishinoya!", Tanaka shouted at the girl. "Wait..." he looked from the boy that was currently under his choke hold to the girl that was standing trying to hide behind a volleyball pole. Was he seeing double?


Nishi shrieked and tried to hide better behind the pole. Kageyama and Hinata stopped arguing for the first time ever and looked at the girl.

"Woah hey Nishi! You actually came!"

"N-Noya...I don't know what to d-do."

Kageyama and Hinata looked at each other.

"Nishi?" "Noya?"


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