Chapter 5

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Class went by pretty quickly for Nishi after her embarrassing moment. Her brain would never let her forget that. Never.

She then had to go to her second class of the day. She trudged to her PE class after stopping at her cubby to grab her gym uniform. She slipped on her tennis shoes and walked to the field.

Y/n's brother's best friend was in the class but she didn't really talk to him. He was playing soccer as loudly as possible with the other boys.

She just kicked the ball around with a couple of other chatty girls who always included her. She was thankful for them because they knew she was quiet and didn't make her feel weird.

The bell rang and she rushed to change back into her regular school clothes. Nishi's next class was with her brother.

She sat down in her seat and waved to her energetic brother as he walked in. He gave her a huge smile and sat in his assigned seat in the total opposite side of the classroom. It was a blessing and a curse that they didn't sit next to each other. On one hand, she could talk to someone she was comfortable with, but he would definitely garner her classmates attention because he's quite the troublemaker.

Class went by quickly once again for her as she thought about what to eat for dinner.

Class went by pretty slowly for Noya, on the other hand. All he wanted was to go to volleyball practice and see his friends. Why was the clock so slow?


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