30: Dinner Is Ready

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WARNING: Unbelievably Short (Sorry!) 



Chapter 30: Dinner Is Ready

I sat down at the seat farthest away from where he sat previously, my arms were crossed and I made the scowl on my face prominent. I heard his footsteps behind me as he made his way to stand in front of me.

“What are you doing?” he asked in his deep voice, his eyes flashing back from his wolf’s to his human’s. I could tell he was losing control and it would be smart to just obey, but I was never going to bow down to this prick.

“Sitting down” I replied with my teeth clenched, I was now kinda pissed off with myself as I let his scent engulf me, making me shiver, I tried to contain it but it was sort of a fail.

He didn’t say anything as he quickly picked up my chair, with me still sitting on it, before I could comprehend what was going on, I was now sat next to him, my mouth wide open.

“You can’t do that!” I yelled, about to shoot up onto my feet when he clamped his hand on my arm, keeping me down. I glared at the table, my fists clenched…I knew nothing about this guy next to me which was really bad since I couldn’t afford to underestimate him, it would soil my chances of getting out of this place. I mean…he’s strong, stronger than me? I think so… “What are you?” I asked in a calmer voice, but you could hear the hatred leaking out.

He smirked, leaning back on his chair. “I thought you’d know”

“If I did I wouldn’t be asking” I mumbled back, rolling my eyes at his reply. For a leader, he sure is stupid.

“I used to be a werewolf” he started; I turned my head to him, my eyes meeting his briefly, sending a shock through me. I quickly averted them to my hands which were sitting on my lap. “I was an Alpha of a pack, a strong but small one…Lucien wanted to run it so he sent an attack, slaughtering my family and friends, nothing was left...except for me. He bit me, changing me into a vampire, leaving me on the ground and retreating…My heart had stopped for a brief moment but after he had left, I was alive”

“So you want revenge huh?” I mumbled to him, okay so…I did feel sympathy but that was out the window when he continued to talk.

“I needed a new and strong pack to get my revenge on the bastard…so; I travelled to every nook and corner, recruiting rogues, misfits and other people who hated Lucien as much as me. I also needed a strong partner; you are one of the strongest in the supernatural world so I had to have you…My both sides had informed me you were my mate, which was a bonus…I had no possessive, jealous mate to take care of”

Anger swelled up within me again. “You’re like him” I snapped, slapping his hand away from my arm. “Wicked, evil, greedy, twisted and cold…you’re just like Lucien!” I shouted at him, my entire body shaking.

I was up against the wall with him towering over me, his once blues eyes were onyx, a moonless pit as he glared down at me, furious. “How dare you” he seethed, growls erupting from him. “I am nothing like him”

“Oh yeah?!” I yelled in his face, I wasn’t going to back down now, this bastard needed to be taught a lesson. “You’re both after the same thing! You’re both twisted and both fucking kidnapped me! Is it just a coincidence perhaps?!” I asked sarcastically, I felt my eyes flashing silver as growls also erupted from me.

He growled again, grabbing my arms and pinning them above me. He breathed into my face and began to kiss my neck. I tried my hardest not to moan at the sensation, between my hitched breath, I managed to speak. “And you both want an heir…coincidence?”

He froze, pulling away from me, his eyes turning back to their normal colour.

“Dinner is ready”

Our heads shifted to the side where a group of maids stood with silver platters.


I wiped my face with a napkin, throwing it in my plate and standing up, without speaking I made my way to the door.

“Goodnight Rose” I heard him say, before I slammed the door closed behind me. I walked through the halls, not really knowing where I was supposed to go; no way was I going back to the dingy basement they held me in.

Suddenly I felt arms around my waist and gasped when I was now in a room, I turned around, following the arms to reveal him. “You have to stop doing that” I murmured to him, trying to escape from his arms but they were locked around me.

“You are my mate, I can do anything I want with you…all your little fiasco did in the dinner hall was piss me off and I think you need to be punished” he growled to me, turning me around so I was facing him, bringing me into his chest tighter. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to pull myself away from his grip.

“It is so cute to watch you struggle” he chuckled, looking down at me. I growled, making my right hand into a fist and punching his chest. He chuckled again, bringing me even closer so our chests were touching. “I find it so…hot when you get angry”

I growled mentally at myself, why couldn’t I be strong enough to get out of his grasp?!

Oh hold on…

I smiled sweetly up at him. “Well, then you’re going to love me now”

I raised my knee and hit him in the crotch, I smiled innocently at him when I watched him go down, holding it. I bent down, close to his face, resisting the urge to kiss him… “If you play with fire, you get burned”

I stood up, turning on my heel and walking to the bed, getting into the covers, I closed my eyes, sleeping peacefully to the lullaby of his painful groans.

Watch out, sunshine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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