Play Your Part

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Joe's POV

I was on my way back from the gym, when I got a call from Galina. I just ignored her call and threw the phone in the cup holder. Why the hell was she calling me anyway? I already told her I didn't want to talk to her and that we had nothing to talk about, unless she's signing the divorce papers. She is only trying to get under my skin and sadly, it's working.

My phone starts ringing again.

"Damnit, why doesn't she just give up?" I say to myself out loud.

Maybe she was calling because she signed the papers. I think I did scare her off a little. I look down at the phone again.

"What the hell, I'll answer. It couldn't hurt that much." I say

I reach down and grab the phone out of a cup holder and answer.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey husband!" Galina says on the other end.

"Ex-husband." I say, correcting her.

"Not just yet." she says

I exhale in frustration, "What do you want Galina?"

"That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What, you signed the divorce papers?" I ask

She sighs, "No not yet. I don't know if that's what I should do."

"What the hell do you mean you don't know if that's what you should do?"

She hesitates for a second or two, "Well, I wanted to know if there's any chance we can work out our differences."

"What? No Galina." I say in disbelief.

"Come on Joe, we can't really be completely over this marriage. We've been together for over 12 years."

"I know and it sucks but I can't do it anymore."

"You don't love me anymore?" She asks

I sigh, not wanting to share my feelings with her, "Of course I love you but these past few months your actions have really shown me that you don't and I don't know if I can't move past it."

"I'm sorry." She says

"I know you are."

"Let's talk about this, that's something we haven't done yet. Why don't you come over?"

I laugh, "No. The last time I came over you attacked me with a bat, then I got arrested. No."

"Joe please. You mean to tell me you are 100% done with me?"she asks

I sigh, "Galina..." There was a long pause, "Galina, you've done so much to me and you really think I owe you the time to hear you out? Galina you've abused me mentally and physically. You've lied on my name and got me suspended from my job. You have so many people thinking I did all of these things to you and I haven't. You have them thinking I'm taking drugs and I'm completely innocent in all of this."

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll make a statement saying all of my accusations were false. Just come talk to me, please." She says


"Please." She says whining a little.

I smile to myself, "You're really desperate, huh?"

"If that gets you over here, then I guess I am. Yes, I am. I love you and you already told me you love me, so for right now, let's just have a conversation and we'll go from there." She says

"Galina if I come over there, we will talk outside and I'm going to record the conversation."

"Fine, whatever you want to do. It's cool."

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