Chapter 4

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"so let me get this straight," Harry began

"Blaise and Ginny are together...?" Ginny and Blaise looked at each other Ginny turning as red as her hair and even though Blaise complexion was a gorgeous shade of brown you could see his checks turning slightly pink as well.
"Yes" they both said and stared into each other's eyes making everyone look away, because it felt to personal for anyone else to see.

"And Hermione is with Malfoy?" Harry asked. A scowl on his face.
"What? No" Hermione rushed out.
"Nope." Draco added
"Right but you like each other?"
"I-uh yes. I-I have for quite a while actually.."
Hermione replied.

Harry's scowl got even more sinister as he glared at Draco.

"How long?"
"Since-" she took a deep breath.
"Since I meet him on the train."
Draco's eyes widen and he looked at her startled.
"That long?" It was almost a whisper.
Hermione was about to respond when Harry cut her off.

"And how about you. Malfoy?" He spat his name. But Hermione could tell he was trying to at least be civil towards Draco. She smiled just a bit.
"Same as Granger" he replied.
Now it was her turn to look at him with wide eyes.
"Right. Of course. That's just my luck isn't it. Defeat the dark lord only to find out that my best friend- well my sister really,"
Hermione smiled at that. She thought of him that same way.
"And my enemy are head over heels for each other." He shook his head and sighed.

"I'm not head over heels for her." Draco grunted.

"Draco. Don't pretend. I have seen the way you look at her. Whenever you think someone isn't looking. It's quite beautiful actually. You look at her as if she's the only person in the whole world when you look at her. Same goes for you Hermione. I think the best example would be in 6th year. You were the only one to notice that Draco didn't look quite like himself. And that was because you had been paying attention to what he had looked like before." Luna hummed.

Everyone sat in stunned silence until Blaise pipped up.

"You know what. I think we should leave-uh- Her-Hermione and Draco alone for a while." Blaise stuttered. He obviously was trying to be polite by using her first name and Hermione smiled at him.
"Uh yea. Thanks mate." Draco said.
"We'll catch you guys up in say and hour? At the black lake?" Ginny sung to the group still over the moon about being reunited with Blaise.
"Okay" they all replied.
Harry and luna walked of to the great hall hand in hand. Whilst Ginny and Blaise turned to head straight to the lake.

A/n- I'm going to start writing using perspectives for the next couple of chapters. Also sorry this is a short chapter. But yea.

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