Chapter 6

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Hermione's POV-

I can't believe I said that, what happens if he doesn't want an us? What if he just wants-

"I would really like there to be an us" Draco sighed softly.
"If that's okay with you of course" he rushed out.

I could feel my cheeks turning red.
"Yes, that's perfect with me. So we're and us now. As in girlfriend and- and boyfriend." My checks went even reder. I was still a bit flustered after the kiss.
That kiss. It made my heart warm with the felling.
"Yes that would be right. Boyfriend and girlfriend" he smiled at me.

"Draco?" I hummed after a while
"Yes Granger?" He replied.
"I-I know we you know just got together. Quite literally. But I've known it for a really long time now." I looked down and took a deep breath. I've been waiting to say this for as long as I can remember.

"Now I'm not saying you have to say it back. So don't feel pressured to. But- I. What I want to say is."

"Spit it out Granger" Draco smirked.

"I- well you see- I- I love you." I quickly looked up to see his reaction.

His face dropped and he quickly broke eye contact. His cheeks  went pink but his eyes looked sad.

"Granger look. I-" he took a deep breath. And I could tell that he wouldn't be one of those people to just say it. He knows the weight of those words and doesn't want to throw them around and treat them as if they were a piece of gum. I smiled because I know that the reason he won't say it is because he doesn't want to make me feel as if they don't mean anything.

"I can't say that. I- well my family never taught me what that meant and my parents apparently 'loved' each other but fought all the time and my father put us all in danger and-" I put my finger on his lips.

"I know. And I don't expect you to say it back until your ready or you don't ever have to say it. I get it. But I wanted you to know." I said.

"Your a much better person than I am Granger." He chuckled slightly.

I blush, again, and lean in. I want to taste him again. I looked into his eyes, full of hunger and desire, and then dropped my gaze to his lips hoping he got the hint. He did. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in fast and slammed our lips together.

This was a hot kiss. I could taste what he wanted and I hope he figured out what I was trying to tell him. All of a sudden there were tongues and sucks. Hot and feverish and I could feel myself wanting more and more. I slipped my hands up his shirt and dragged my nails down his chest. His hand moved from my waist to my thigh and hiked my leg around his waist. I groaned into his mouth. I couldn't help it. I could feel him smirk for a second but it was gone when he continued to kiss me.

I tore my right hand away from his muscular chest and reached up to tangle my fingers through his hair. His other hand reached up to brush the side of my cheek and then dropped to pull me up onto him completely my legs wrapped around his torso. I broke the kiss to look into his eyes. They were wide and slightly glazed over as if he had just experienced a drug. I kissed him on the cheek and nose. Then went to his jaw tracing the jaw line with my tongue and small sucks. He moaned out loud and I could feel the vibration off of his throat and slammed my mouth back on to his. Kissing hard enough to leave them swollen and bruised but I didn't really care at that moment in time.

He tumbled back and was soon lying on the grass with me on top of him. I could feel a slow heat spreading from my navel and inner thigh. He flipped me onto the ground so now he was on top and pulled away slowly.

"Stop stopping Draco!" I whined. I know I sounded like a 15 year old lovesick school girl but I didn't really care.

"It's almost been an hour. We should be heading over to the lake." He sounded almost sad.

"I don't wanna go now." I replied and went up to kiss him. This one was short and sweet.

"Neither do I" he responded sounding heartbroken we had to stop.

"Then let's not go." But before I could kiss him again he crawled off of me and helped me up.

"Ugh. You suck. I hate you" I responded but I didn't mean it. I was smiling to much for it to mean anything.
He raised his hand in mock horror and sarcastically replied
"Oh I'm sorry!"

We both broke down into fits of laughter and I couldn't temper the last time I laughed this much and felt this feeling. We slowly walked hand in hand to the black lake.

A/n- I hope I did okay with this chapter. Would you like to see what Ginny and Blaise were doing in the hour away from the others or not..? 🖤🐍🗡

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