Chapter 13

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Hermione's POV-
As we walked up to our dorm everything felt perfect. As we walked up hand in hand I made a decision.
In 3 weeks Draco would mark me.
In 3 weeks I will have learnt Legilimency.
In 3 weeks I will have told Harry and Ron about the Veela thing.
3 weeks was my goal.
When we got to the dorm I opened the door to see Ginny and Blaise having SEX IN THE COMMON ROOM.
I looked at Draco who just looked amused and he silently cast silencio, grateful I whispered "let's just go up to our rooms."
He nods and when we get to my door he stops to give me a goodnight kiss. It was sweet and innocent and as he pulls away something inside of me wants him to come in.
"No. Stay." I say suddenly and I kiss him again this time with more meaning.
He pulls away, looks at me surprised but doesn't argue and comes in.

"Can-can you just sleep with me tonight?" I ask. He raises one of his eyebrows and I realise how dirty that must sound to him.
"No clothes coming off! Just- just uh- cuddling" it sounds really stupid and I blush.
"Of course. I'll just go get my boxer shorts." He says.
"But aren't you wearing any now?" I have to look down. You can't ask that and not expect me to look down.
"Yea, but I prefer to wear clean ones when I sleep. I'll just go get them." He says and makes his way to his room. I quickly take this opportunity to find the nicest pair of panties and bra that I have and put them on. I put my jeans and shirt back on to make it look like I had them on underneath. And when I heard him opening my door I started to take my shirt off.
What? Even though were not gonna have sex I can still look half decent.

He walks in with a fresh set of boxers and I stop half way through getting undressed so I was just in my bra. His jaw drops. Literally drops and I can't help the blush that takes over my cheeks. Not embarrassment but just because Draco Malfoy was checking me out in a pair of skinny jeans and a lacy red bra. He smirks and I ask
"Aren't you gonna get dressed?" He nods and starts to take of his trousers RIGHT THERE! In front of me. He isn't even embarrassed.

Oh Godric he's dropped his trousers and now is sliding down his boxers to change into the clean pair he has in his hand. I'm silently glad I still have my jeans on so he can't see how wet I am already. I knew he could smell it with his Veela powers and what not. But I didn't really care in this moment. His cock was SO BIG!
I could FEEL myself drooling. He looked up at me and when he saw my expression chuckled and pulled his (green) boxers back on. To say I was disappointed was an understatement.

He slowly undid his buttons one at a time, going the pace of a snail. I couldn't take it anymore and I marched right up to him and ripped his shirt off of him. I grazed my hands down his abs. He was so handsome. I kissed his chest, were I was eye level with because he had grown so much after the transition from human to Veela.
"Your gorgeous" I murmur into him and he laughs.
"All right I did my part. Granger it's your turn." He smirks as he takes a step back. I smirk as well. God he's worn of on me.

My top was already off so I only really needed to take of my jeans. So I'll make the most of it. Him and his Veela will absolutely love this. I slowly undo the buttons of my jeans running my fingers over my waist in the process.

I'm so glad I shaved my legs and bikini line yesterday.

I slowly bend down to take of my socks. I know I was doing this in a weird order but I don't really mind. He didn't seem to care either. I could see through his thin boxers that he was just as exited as I was. I smiled knowing I could get that sort of reaction from him with out even touching him yet. After my socks were off I slowly slid of my jeans and stepped out of them.
I looked up to see him with his fangs dropped and his eyes travelling along my body.

blah blah blah, foreplay stuff

A/n- so um yea... meep. You like? Okay don't judge to much half of this was written at a servo. So.. I did edit later but yea. 🖤🐍🗡

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