Chapter 11

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Draco's POV-
I opened the little parcel and gasped in surprise.
"Granger. It's-its amazing" I breathed.
Ginny and Blaise asked what I got but I didn't say anything.

Inside the small green box was a beautiful ring. It was a thick silver band with a snake engraved around it.
"Look on the inside of it" granger motioned towards it.

I looked on the inside and it has small script.
I peered closer to be able to read it.

Forever and Always, I'll be right here. Granger.

I started to tear up. I jumped up to give her a massive hug, kissing her hair. In that moment my heart was set. It wasn't just my Veela that loved her. I did.
I will continue to call her granger until she becomes a Malfoy. I didn't wince at the name anymore. It was my name. I'm proud of it. I'm not proud of what my father did but that's wasn't me. That was him. He forced me into the life of a death eater and it turned out to be either my mother and I's life or Dumbledore's. I held back more tears that were threatening to spill at the thought of it all.
"Alright Draco. Are you gonna show us it?" Blaise interrupted. Before I could say anything against it Ginny grabbed the box and gasped.
"HERMIONE! It's so gorgeous." She exclaimed.

"Oh. That's really sweet Hermione. Draco's tearing up at the script." Blaise laughed.
"Oh shush." I laughed not denying the tears because there were streaks down my checks.
I leaned over to Granger and whispered
"I really wish it was just us to right now so I could prove how much I love it."
She blushed bright red. Reder than I've ever seen her blush. Ginny whistles beside us.
I grinned feeling incredibly proud that I made her feel that way. She noticed and swatted at my arm. My Veela purred at her touch and I could feel my gums getting sore wanting to drop and mark her right there.
I fought the urge and soon my gums stopped tingling. Granger must of noticed because she smirked at my making me feel warm all over.

"You know what Ginny, lets go for a walk." Granger suddenly said and I frowned.
"I just want to have a bit of a girly talk. Besides I think Blaise might want to talk to you." I frowned even more. I didn't want it be away from her but I could tell she wanted to just talk with her friend.
"Okay" I sighed. Finally giving over.
"Thank you Draco" she responded sweetly. Rising on her toes she pecked me on the lips and I felt relaxed at once.

I turned to blaise, "did you want to talk to me?"

"no, i just could tell that 'mione and Ginny wanted to talk about.... well about stuff." i could tell that he went inside his mates head to find that information out. Legilimency was something that both me and blaise had been trained in, but we usually needed to be touching however the persons mind it was we were reading. but with our Veela powers and being able to know what our mates are feeling, reading their thoughts should be as easy as aggitating Weasel.

"blaise! how is she ment to trust you when you just go into her head all the time?"

"i dont know mate but im gonna keep listeing cause what ginny is thinking right now involves me and her, she talking about us with hermione" at the sound of her name all resonable thoughts flew out of my head and i went to listen to what she had to say.
As their conversation moved further away we both followed them a good couple of meters behind.

After a few minutes I felt my checks going red. She was thinking about THAT. With ME. My Veela was extremely happy and I flushed even more begging to feel tight in my jeans. I can't believe this is the same Hermione that wears baggy clothing and never shows any skin. But by god she was a dirty little girl in that head of hers.

Hermione's POV-
I walked out of the dorm with Ginny by my side and we headed down to the black lake.
When we got there I squealed.
"Is he any good? How was it? Did it hurt? Did you reach your peak?" I asked. Most people won't see this side of me; the dirty sex obsessed girl. But Ginny knows this side of me and she laughed so much soon she was snorting.

"He was, IS amazing." She sighed.
I squealed again. "DETAILS GIN!" I screamed excitedly.
"Oh my gosh Hermione! I will give details if you promise you will for me too, Okay?" She asked me.
I nodded eagerly and agreed.
Soon she was telling me about they went at it for about 3 hours. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT. THREE HOURS. I didn't even know that was possible. I started to wonder what Draco would be like. I mean he's had his fair share of women in his bed so I know he would be able to please me. But would I be able to do it for him? I started to fantasise, I think of our first kiss that got pretty heated pretty quickly. I was already so aroused and we hadn't even begun taking of clothes. The thought of him made me hot and flustered and I could feel my self starting to get wet. Omg and this was just thinking about him. I sat down next to Ginny and bit my tongue. I didn't want to have to please myself for another couple of hours. I already did that yesterday. I went back to the dorm before dinner was over with the excuse of "studying" but I was definitely NOT studying. I remember some charms that I had read about in a news article that you could.... do thins with your self. By god they worked, but I know that Draco would probably do a better job that a vibration charm, right? Ginny must have noticed my flustered look and laughed. We talked for about our mates and what we wanted to do with them for another 10 more minutes when we heard footsteps from behind us.
We turned around and not to our surprise our mates were standing right there. How much of that had they heard? We both flushed red when Draco came up and hugged me whilst Blaise did the same with Ginny.

We looked at each other and Ginny suddenly says
"Could you hear what we were talking about?"
From the smirks on their faces I could tell they had heard everything. I blushed even brighter because no one except for Ginny had EVER heard me talk like that and hear my mate and his best friend who also happened to be my best friends mate had just heard me ask how wet he got her.
I hung my head on my hands in embarrassment.
"Don't worry Hermione. I only paid attention to what Ginny was thinking." He chuckled slightly but I knew he was telling the truth. I looked up at Draco and he looked at me with lustful eyes and all of a sudden I was mad. How could he disrespect me like that. Those are my private thoughts. I stormed away and suddenly I thought. Draco if you are listening in my head right now GET THE FUCK OUT. I looked back to see him nod and I kept walking to our dorm. I got inside and slammed the door shut. Suddenly I was laughing. I think I did it because if I didn't then I would be crying.

A/n- okay so I wrote like 2/3 or this in a history class lmao. But I think this chapter is a bit... idk. Just tell me what you think. Please. I need some feedback kiddos. 🖤🐍🗡

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