Chapter 2

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Picture of Nick above (but with glasses) ^^^^^^


 Since I had just three subjects (two of which I had today), I had a lot of free periods which I spent doing absolutely nothing. I know it sounds rather boring, but it's actually a very interesting thing to do. I was actually waiting for lunch time cause I was rather hungry. I'm thinking maybe I'll request for more classes..... yeah No.

 The bell finally rung and I heaved a sigh of relief because I knew it was time for lunch. I walked into the cafeteria and it seemed to quiet down as everyone stared at me. Not that I cared, but it was nerve wrecking. The food surprisingly looked good and after contemplating on what I was going to be having, I decided to buy a salad. I then turned to look for a place to sit. Virtually every table was filled with annoying obnoxious humans. Well all except one.....

 "You have got to be kidding me." I said to myself. The only available table was the one that Rovin  boy was sitting at. Dear Hades...... Why me?

 Everyone was still staring, probably wondering whose table I was going too sit at. I'm sure most of them expected me to sit with what I assumed were the bad kids of the school or whatever. I decided to sit with Rovin. I smirked, thinking of how surprised they all will be when I sit next to the nerd.

 I just walked up to his table, pulled out a chair and sat down. I could see all their shocked faces, including that of a certain nerd. He was still staring even after everyone else had looked away. 

 I mean I guess it was surprising, but that doesn't mean he has to stare so blatantly. At least, try to be discreet. I tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't stop and I was getting pissed. I decided to be patient and ignore him some more, I continued eating my salad.

 Oh my word! How the hell is he still staring? It's been five minutes! Okay, that's it. I look up at him and give him a hard stare. 

 "Can you please stop staring?" I ask annoyed.

  He immediately puts his head down. "Uh.....s-sorry. I was just surprised when you here." 

 "Well it's one thing to stare when you're shocked and it's another to stare like a bloody creep now isn't it? Also, do you see anywhere else I could sit?" I couldn't help but let my anger seep into my voice.

 "I guess not. Sorry." He says.

 I can't help but feel slightly bad for speaking in such a manner. I mean I get that he can't help but stare. None of them can. 

 "No, don't apologize. It's okay." I say as I get up and leave the cafeteria. 

 What to do?.......what to do? I am currently walking around the school premises because I have nothing to do. I have Physical Ed last period, but It's still two periods away. I continue walking and exploring till I walk through some hedges behind the school and stumble across this tree. I don't know what it is about the tree that just fascinates me.

 I walk over to the tree and sit right under the shade casted upon the ground by the leaves. I closed my eyes and just sat there. I am oddly at peace which is something that doesn't happen often. I loose track of time because when I open my eyes, both periods have already passed and it's time for P.E.

 I walk to the gym and go change into my gym wear which consisted of a white shirt and black shorts. I was not gonna wear a white shirt, so I wore a black one instead. When I walked into the locker room, everyone legit turned to stare at me. Is it like a thing the human is this school do? Everyone's always staring. I open my locker and take out my clothes. Since I came later than the other girls, I was the last to walk out of the locker room. 

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