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FLC News Korea

It has been reported this morning that the eldest daughter of Choi Jeoran, the owner of one of HFE Company is getting married at a young age.

KBZ's owner, Park Junseok also said that his son is getting married.

As we've heard, the owner of these companies are best buddies. So, will there be a possibility that their children are marrying each other?

If it is true, is it for business purposes?

Or is it true love?

Tune in for more updates!


Hyeonrin's POV

"That's just pure nonsense" I exclaimed as I turned off the TV.

If you're wondering how this happened... our Maknae Line Day Out was actually cut because of my mom's sudden call.

I also made sure that the guys would not spread anything about me getting married, especially at school.

Well, if they already knew it then... okay.

But for the meantime, I would just ignore those things.

"Hello? It's true Hyeonrin" Baejin said as he waved his hands in front of me.

Yeah. Baejin's here because, he wanted to come with Jihoon, Minran and I.

Well, he's kinda left out from us three these days.

"Anyways, I'll go get some water in the kitchen, unnie." Minran said as I nodded.

"I'll help you!" Baejin suggested and followed behind Minran.

"So, why did your mom call us?" Jihoon asked me with a worried face.

"She said that your mom and she are coming here to talk to us about the agreements on the marriage." I sighed.

"Oh wow. I guess this is really true." Jihoon sighed.

"Uhm... Jihoon... Have you liked someone before?" I asked all of a sudden.

Jihoon's POV

Liked someone?

As in romantically liked someone?



Well the answer's simple...

I never interact with girls before.


It's because they go crazy.


They also scream so hard that's why I get annoyed by them.

"Nope." I said as Hyeonrin sighed.

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