Have You Proposed to Her Yet?

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Hyeonrin's POV

"So the two of you are now actually together? Like you aren't pretending anymore? REALLY?!" Baejin bombed Jihoon and I with questions.

"Baejin-oppa, your ship is really sailing!!" Minran happily exclaimed.


"H-how would you even see that from the first time that Hyeonnie and I encounter?" Jihoon asked with confusion written in his face.

"Well, I just have this instinct you know." Baejin grinned.

"Uhm... okay." I said awkwardly.

"So. Are you okay being married to Jihoon-oppa?" Minran asked.

"Yeah. Of course. This is for the sake of the company and he's my boyfriend so... what's the problem?" I chuckled.

"Excuse me for a minute, I need to go to the restroom." I smiled at them and went away.


Minran's POV

"You. Didn't. Even. PROPOSE?!" Baejin-oppa exclaimed.

"Shh. Unnie might hear us!" I whispered.

"Sorry. Anyways, why haven't you proposed yet?" Baejin-oppa asked again but in a whisper tone.

"Well, we just became a "Real Couple" yesterday and aren't we marrying already?" Jihoon-oppa answered which made me facepalm.

"Unnie doesn't even have a ring on her hand... What do you think the people would have in mind? They would think that it was just an act. A FREAKING ARRANGE MARRIAGE OPPA!!!" I exclaimed.

"Okay. Okay. Chill Minnie" Baejin-oppa gave me a glass of water.

"Thanks" I sighed.

"Bro, you better plan things out already or else..."

"People will question your real relationship with Hyeonrin." Baejin-oppa said.

"You're right" Jihoon-oppa said in agreement.


Hyeonrin's POV

"So. What did I miss??" I smiled at them and they just shrugged their shoulders.

"Hey. How about we go see the others?" Minran suggested.

"Hmm... that's a great idea." I smiled at them.

"So shall we go?" Baejin asked as we nodded our heads in agreement.


"Daewhi texted that they are here at the clubhouse where we all hangout" Baejin said.

"Why don't I know this stuff?" I pouted at Jihoon.

"Cause it's only for us" Jihoon chuckled as he shuffled my hair.

"Oh. Okay. Hehe" I eyesmiled as he squeezed my cheeks.

"So shall we go in or you'll stay here and do your sweetstuff whatsoever?" Baejin asked with a mad face.

"Oppa, let's just go." Minran said with a smug face and immediately linked her arms with Baejin.

"Those two are just bitter" Jihoon chuckled.

"I know right. They always have that chemistry, and I just wish they know about that." I sighed.

"Haha. She would definitely know that in the future." Jihoon smiled at me.

"So shall we go in Hoonie~" I said whole grinning at him.

"Of course, let's go Hyeonnie" he winked at me.


"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" They all exclaimed when we came in.

"H-huh?" Jihoon and I blushed madly and asked in complete confusion.

"Don't act dumb. We already know the truth~" Jaehwan-oppa wiggled his eyebrows.

"You lied to us. You just pretended at the beginning" Jisung-oppa scoffed.

"And then the maknae line knew" Sungwoon-oppa scoffed

"It's kinda obvious that the two of you will actually love each other." Seonho scoffed.

"Hahaha. Thanks guys... I guess" Jihoon smiled at them.

"So will you tell us all about you guys? Like you haven't even told us how you met yet or how the two of you started to fall for each other.." Minhyun-oppa asked which made everybody nod in agreement.

"Well..." Jihoon started as he held my hand.


"Wahhh. So that's why they called you the Ice Prince and Ice Princess when we transferred." Daewhi exclaimed.

"It shouldn't be a cold couple it should've been "The Rude Couple"." Hyungseob said which made me look at him in disbelief.

"You, guys are mean" I scoffed.

"Haha. We were just kidding. Your love story is kinda unusual actually." Seongwoo-oppa chuckled.

"Kinda cliché but nah." Guanlin shrugged his shoulders.

"But Jihoon hasn't pro-- How about if Unnie and I will go buy some snack ey? Okay bye!!" Minran cut Hyungseob.

"Uh. Okay. But it seemed like Hyubgseob wanted to say something." I said.

"Oh. It was nothing. Unnie let's get going! Ppali!!" She dragged me outside.

"What's the rush of buying food? -_-" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm just... uh... hungry. Right. Hungry." She stuttered.


I smell something fishy.


Jihoon's POV

"That kid. She didn't even let me finish my question." Hyungseob scoffed.

"Well, that's because I haven't proposed to her yet." I shyly said which made them all shock.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" They asked in disbelief.

"Because we just became an official couple yesterday -_-" I facepalmed.

"But your wedding's coming" Euiwoong said.

"I know..." I sighed.

"I'm planning to tell everyone that we aren't really a couple before... I want to tell them our real story. I want to let them know the love that two cold and rude people can make." I sighed.

"Well, how would you do that?" Eunhye said worriedly.

"I..." I trailed off.

"I already have a plan."

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