Shopping and Making Up

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Hyeonrin's POV

"Hyeonrin, Minran! We need to go and buy the gowns now!!" Mom shouted from downstairs.

"But it's too early..." Minran said lazily.

"Do you want to be attacked by the press?!" I said with a frustrating sigh.

"Uhm. No." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay. Good. Now let's go." I dragged her downstairs.


-At the Gowns and Dresses(boutique) Shop-

"Oh. Annyeong Haseyo Ms. Anhee." Minran and I both greeted.

"Oh. Annyeong girls! Anyways, just call me mom... so that it would be easier." She smiled at us, as mom hit her playfully.

"Hahaha. Okay... umm Mom(?)" Minran and I awkwardly said.

"Okay. That's enough. I'm already excited for the gowns so let's go!!!" Mom ecstatically exclaimed.


"Woah." I said in amazement.

I have never seen so many elegant gowns... especially the ones that are for weddings.

"Hi miss... what can I help you with?" The saleslady smiled at us.

"Can you help us find a perfect wedding gown for my daughter over here?" Mom smiled at the saleslady as she pointed at me.

"Oh. I have the perfect dress for her. Just wait near the fitting room miss, I'll get the gown." She smiled back at us as we nodded our heads.


Jihoon's POV

"Never knew that you're so picky when it comes to clothes Jihoon" Uncle Jeoran exclaimed.

"Hahaha. I'm actually very careful when it comes to fashion" I chuckled then the two old guys shrugged their shoulders and took a seat to talk.

Pshh. Oldies. XD

"Hey Jinyoung... are you okay? Why aren't you choosing your tux yet?" I asked Jinyoung with a worried expression.

Well, yeah. I brought him simce I invited him to our wedding.

"Well, I actually already have chosen. Your father had also chosen a tux already. It's only you who hasn't chosen yet." He scoffed.

"Oh. Hahaha. But why are you blankly staring at that tuxedo?" I asked.

"It's because I was wondering if things would still be the same after I've confessed to Minran." He sighed.

"I'm sure that you would be a little awkward at first but if you just act normal towards her just like before then... I guess both of you will become comfortable with each other again." I smiled at him which made him relax a little.

"Hey~ Never knew that you were good in giving advices." Jinyoung grinned.

"Well, surprising things happen when you're in love" I smiled at him and he just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" he scoffed.


Hyeonrin's POV

An hour has passed and I've already chosen my wedding gown.

It felt different when I tried it on...

It felt like I'm really growing up.


By the way, my moms (weird right?) Haven't seen my gown yet but Minran did and she said it was very beautiful.

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