Come And Go

980 44 41

°Ryan POV°

I watched as my wife sleeps snuggled against me, her small body wrapped around me for dear life and it makes me chuckle, the low vibration from my chest making her stir and snuggle closer, groaning cutely.

"Baby, its time to wake up, Daddy has to go on another job, and I want you to meet everyone else so you won't get lonely." I cup her face in my hand and run my thumb back and forth along her temple, making her lean towards my touch.

"Princess, if I have to ask again, you will be spanked~" I whisper against her hair, and she takes a shuddering breath, whining in protest.

"Just a little longer, Ryan..." She whines, and presses her soft warm forehead against my lips, making me chuckle and kiss her skin.

"As much as I enjoy this sight, we're both still naked, and that's not something you should easily forget baby girl~" I growl into her ear, making her breathing slightly quicken.

I feel her body heat rise slightly, and there's no denying my length poking her hip. She still doesn't move, but presses her lips to my neck.

I smirk and suddenly grasp her leg, pulling it up and opening herself to me.

"I warned you~" I sink my hardened member into her, and she gasps, crying out instantly.

"R-Ryan!" She moans.

What a way to wake up...


°(Y/N) POV°

" (y/n), I would like you to meet our chefs, Mark, Jack, Felix, and Dashie!"

I giggle and wave shyly at the quite eccentric men who bare big, dopey smiles, a couple wink while other salute.

"Top-a-the-morning to ya, lassie!" Jack holds his hand out for me to give him a high five, and I smile widely, doing so.

"Hello (y/n)! My name is Mark!" Mark tips his white chefs hat, showing off bright red, fluffy hair, and I wave politely, blushing at his intense voice.

"Welcome, Mrs. Ohmwrecker, to the home of the Ohm's!" Felix winks one of his bright blue eyes at me, and I giggle.

"What up!! I'm Dashie! And welcome to your new home!" A slightly thicker man with caramel skin bellows, startling me, but his childish energy instantly mirrors from me, and I laugh, waving.

"Hi guys!" I giggle, and Ryan thanks the men for their time, placing his hand on the dip of my spine and leading me out of the large kitchen.

"Time to meet our servants!" Ryan smiles broadly, and I blush at his beaming, gorgeous youth.

We approach a dining hall with butlers and maids bustling around the enormous dining table, and at the sight of their boss, they form one formal line and stand at attention.

"Jesus guys, you make me feel like an old warden." Ryan shakes his head chuckling and they do the same.

"Guys, I would love for you to meet my wife, Mrs. (Y/n) Ohmwrecker."

Their eyes brighten and they rush to greet me first.

"Hi, my name is Fitz!" A tall man with bright blue eyes smiles broadly, and I ponder on his accent.

"Good morning (y/n)! My name is Brock!" Another blue eyed man reaches out his gloved hand to me and I shake it, taking note of his charming chuckle.

"Hello! My name Ainsley! Fitz teach me English!" A man with a very strange haircut and quite funny voice waves like an eager child at me, and Fitz face-palms, while Brock laughs.

I giggle and wave back, seeing three more people.

"Hey! My names Amy, its a pleasure to meet you!" A woman with light pink hair slightly bows, sporting a charming smile.

So thats the first maid I saw before!

"Oh! My name is Marzia! I hope you enjoy our company here!" Another woman with longer pink hair curtsies, making me giggle, and I curtsey in return.

"What is up you freaking buttercups! The names Smitty!" A man with dark eyes and hair snaps his fingers, pointing and winking at me and we all laugh.

"Ohm where you at!" Suddenly Delirious's voice yells from another hall and he peaks his upper body into the dining room, making us laugh harder.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming! Alright guys, please take care of her, and make sure she doesn't cause any trouble." He raises a playful eyebrow at me and I blush, placing my hands innocently behind my back and biting my lip, smirking.

"I'll be home by dinner, as always, but make sure that all the door stay locked and put the dogs out today." Ryan puts his hand on Brocks shoulder, and Brock nods.

Jesus, all that just to make sure I don't make trouble?...

Suddenly, Ryan leans closer to Brocks ear, but he doesn't whisper quietly enough.

"Brace for breach."

Brocks eyes widen and he nods more frantically.

"Alright, I'll be on my way then! See you guys later!" Ryan turns to head to Delirious, and I call after him, running into his arms when her turns.

"Please come home safe..." I peek up at him, and he pauses, eventually smiling gently and kissing my lips, earning a few aw's from the servants.

When we part, I watch as he leaves around the corner and soon I faintly hear the front door open and close.

"Hey (y/n)!" Marzia calls, and I turn quickly, seeing playful grins on all their faces.

"Wanna help us prepare dinner! Its so much fun!" Fitz beckons me closer to them, and a smile tugs my lips.



"MAH BOIS!! OH MY GOD!!" Dashie ducks behind a pizza pan, flour exploding in a cloud from the impact from Jacks direction, while Mark, Marzia, Fitz and I laugh hysterically.

I wonder where Brock is...
I haven't seen him since Ryan left...

Suddenly, I small glob of dough smacks into my cheek, causing Ainsley to gasp and Smitty to widen his eyes, hiding quickly behind the counter.

"Oh I got you now fucker!!" I laugh, grabbing a breadstick and tossing it right when he peeks out, smacking him in the forehead and sending him to the floor with a muffled "oof".

We laugh hysterically, until we hear the front door open with a bang.

"Hurry! Get Nogla and Suni to patch his wounds! Now!!"

I run out of the kitchen, everyone following, and I freeze when I see Brock helping Ryan up, blood pouring from his shoulder.

He's been shot...

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