Colorful Mess

774 44 29

°(Ryan POV)°

Why is leaving her alone the hardest thing to do...

And why do I have a sick feeling even more so than before...

What if she gets targeted?
What if they look for her?
What if they FIND her?
What if-


I'm yanked from my anxiety when Delirious calls to me from the limo, outside waiting to take us to the next job.

"Oh, my bad, I'll be right there!"

°(Y/N) POV°

"(y/n)!! Come on! I cant wait to show you the dresses I found at the Chic Boutique!"

Martzia calls from outside my door, and I adjust my little white dress.

I guess whites my favorite color...

"I'm coming!"

I jog down the stairs, seeing Martzia and Amy comparing shoes.

"Wow, I never thought I'd say this to a girl, but nice little top-hat Martzia!" I giggle and she smiles wide, tipping her little hat and curtsying.

"Alright ladies, lets go." Tyler and Evan open the front door and walk with us to the limo parked out front, allowing us in before them and making sure we're buckled up.

"Sheesh I got it MOM!" I playfully stick my tongue at Tyler who narrows his eyes and flicks my forehead, chuckling when I yelp.

"Alright Scotty, to the same place as always." Tyler nods and while Marzia and Amy squeal and smile, I watch Evan from the the opposite side of us lift up his sunglasses and speak in a dramatic, rumbling voice.

"You know what time it is Tyler?"

"Yea." Tyler and Evan simultaneously pull their sunglasses down.

"Its GOROD TIME!" They deepen their voices to the same tone and Scotty and I laugh while Amy and Marzia roll their eyes playfully.


"Oh! (Y/n)! Come look at this dress!" Marzia calls from behind one rack.

"No! Come look at this dress!" Amy calls from another rack and I smile and shake my head, wandering where I please.

The dresses are nice, pretty even, but they're array of bright neon colors don't catch my attention quite as fittingly.

Only white...


For once, a dress other than white pulls at my eyes and my interest.

Its... grey...

I wander closer to the dress, and the material comes to light, showing its silk fabric and thin shoulder straps.

Actually... its silver...

I admire the design.
The way the dress presses to all the right curves, the v-neck dropping dangerously low while one side of the dress rides higher up the thigh than the other, and the entire back is exposed.

I walk around the flamboyant mannequin posing in the beautiful dress, seeing the lower thigh length drop down into a point, giving depth to the other side, accentuating the mannequins still-narrow hips.

But my hips aren't narrow...

I smirk and visualize the permiscuous garment laying over my soft (s/c) skin, the silk illuminating my complexion, the fabric pressing into my curves and exposing sensual aspects....

"Excuse me young lady."

A young, lively male voice startles me and I flinch, turning to face the mysterious man behind me.

Hes considerably tall, his white blonde hair flowing long and messy and yet charming. His bright eyes young and mischievous...
But his smirk...

Who the fuck...

His smirk shows the pure sadistic aura that now somehow overwhelms the atmosphere.

"You must be (y/n)... or maybe I should say princess." The word rolls off his tongue as if its delicate fine wine, and the adrenaline spikes cold in my blood.

"W-Who the f-fuck--"

"Kryoz. You may call Kryoz."

His eyes darken and as I try to scream for Tyler and Evan, he shoves a white cloth over my mouth, causing my to gasp and dreadfully inhale the toxic, stinging scent of a pure sedative.

I can only manage a garbled shreak, but soon as I try to hold my breath, my racing heart and rushing blood only demand more oxygen, and I'm forced to inhale, causing another dizzy wave to hit.

I can no longer struggle against him, and soon enough, I cant even see.

All is black, and I pass out in his arms.

Wanted (Ohmwrecker x reader) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now