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( chapter twenty six )

WALKING INTO MUSICAL rehearsal, angelina palaza was greeted with screams.

normally she's greeted with glares, scowls, shoves, kicks, or all in one, so this was definitely a first.

"angelina, oh my god, do you know the stranger things kids?"

"omg, you're so lucky!"

"i wish i were you!"

"can you tell them to follow me?"

angelina looks at the swarm of mainly girls in front of her. she cocks her head to the side looking at them in fake confusion.

"what are you talking about?"
angelina asks, containing her laughter as best as she could.

"dustin liked your picture on instagram! he's like, super famous," janet shrieks. "because of it you got like 10 thousand followers. you should tell him to do the same for me!"

a chorus of me toos! rang through the theatre. angelina's lips curl into a smile, and she erupts in laughter, and the crowd in front of her nervously laughs along as well.

"w-what's so funny? a girl named charlotte asks. "aren't you like, happy about this?"

"oh no. the guy, who's name is gaten, not dustin, can rot in hell." angelina scoffs, before shoving past them into the dressing room.

but of course, they follow.

"okay but like, why? were you two you know, like, a thing or something?" a different girl asks, her name being alison.

angelina shrugs. "something like that," angelina sits down in a chair, pulling her phone out her pocket. "but i'd rather not get into that."

"i guess that's okay. but you definitely have to tell me later! maybe you can come over to my house tonight?" janet says, a smile on her face.

angelina's eyes widen slightly. "r-really? you'd want that?"

"of course! besides, i want to put all our beef behind us. i never really meant it anyways, i was just always jealous of you. you always had the best voice, best acting, best hair, best everything, and i wanted that. so im sorry, angelina. can you forgive me?" janet says, sincerity in her voice and forgiveness in her eyes.

angelina was shocked. she'd always hated janet, and she'd always hated her. they'd always be at each other's throats, and now she want to be friends with her? angelina only knew one answer to that.

"water under the bridge. it's all good janet," angelina smiles, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "so um, what about tonight?"

janet's face lights up, grinning ear to ear. "yay! after rehearsal, we can just go straight to mine for a fun sleepover, just the two of us! it'll be so much fun."

"but i thought—"

"shut up charlotte!" janet snaps.

charlotte slinks back behind janet, an ashamed look on her face.

"anyways, yeah! and don't worry about bringing anything, you can just borrow some of my stuff, i have plenty." janet brags, still grinning ear to ear.

angelina's small smile grows to a full one, and she could barely contain her excitement. "alright! sounds like a ton of fun. let me just tell my mom and we'll be good to go."

"yay!" janet says, laughing uncomfortably.

suddenly, everyone rushes back to the dressing room in a frenzy, grabbing costumes and such, signaling to was time to get to work.

janet smiles at angelina once more, before turning on her heel, and grumbling complaints about how her plan better work.

pLoT tWiSt wOaH!1!1

anyways, how are you lovelies today?

also, if you want me to make you a cover, just hmu on my message board or in the pm's bc im lowkey bored as hell so yeet!1!1!

also im lonely so

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